1 Broken Scooter, 4 Iron Cots, 1 Used Ford, 3 Cats, and 1 Small Room

Yet Another Self-Important Blog.

Rohit Singh
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These are a few of my favourite links.


[Tue, 11 Nov 2003]

Newtons Second Law: Conservation of Elks (offer valid only in Canada)

Seen on Slashdot, here's the gist of comments:

1: [obscenely high pay for] Athletes is about supply and demand. There are very few people who can supply an accurate, repeatable 50 yard pass(or whatever) while 3 or 4 300-pound guys moving as fast as an elk bear down on them.

2: As fast as an elk? Is that some kind of Canadian measure of velocity? Can you get a speeding ticket for going 2 elks in a school zone? What is the speed of light in elks?

3: It's a Canadian unit of velocity AND mass. (So now that I think about it it's a unit of momentum). It's defined as the momentum of your average elk running at the average maximum [!!!] elk speed. A football player with all his gear does about 0.2 elk

4: Re: What is the speed of light in elks? Zero. Elks are opaque.

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Which of these are biased: 1) Limbaugh 2) Michael Moore 3) CBS 4) Fox ?

A rather heavy-on-words take about what the words "media bias" have come to mean. Essentially, the guy, a Stanford lingustics prof, says that people like Limbaugh and Moore are known to be biased so their ramblings are pre-discounted, so to speak. Networks like NBC/CBS etc get a lot more flak for having a "bias".

Arrgh..has anyone ever tried to listen to O'Reilly on Fox or any of the radio shows. They are all so painfully moronic, bigoted, and wrong. Yet, for all the conservative whining about liberal bias in the media 70% of the American populace has been led to believe that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11 when no one has ever said anything to that effect!!

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India's not in the list of countries who want to export steel to America and want the tariffs removed :-)) . Picking the right battles, are we ?

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Payback time ?

There is some talk about America being miffed with India for not sending troops to Iraq and walking away at Cancun. Neither criticism is really fair- Indian soldiers in body-bags would be just as bad for India as American soldiers in body-bags are for America. And, cribbing about Cancun is just that- cribbing. Ah well, nobody said that international relations are based on fairness. But then again, these things are probably just a part of the bigger picture.

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