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Rohit Singh
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These are a few of my favourite links.


[Wed, 08 Oct 2003]

Because its there....

Geek meets adrenaline-junkie. The new cousin of geo-caching. BTW, its interesting that Yemen has so many confluence points, its a relatively small country. So I checked the map: the country is almost a rectangle with an east-west orientation- good for latitude/longitude crossings.

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Career Growth in a Call Center

There aren't many phrases more oxymoronic than that title. The generic call center job requires no real skills, apart from proficiency in the language of interest and a general sense of phone etiquette. Conversely, it doesn't teach you any useful skills either. And not everybody can climb up the ladder to be a manager. So call center employees aren't increasing their hire-ability in any significant way. So why are call centers still a good thing for India ?

Its simple economics! Call center jobs started in the U.S., and then moved to places like Ireland and are now moving to places like India. These were dead-end jobs in U.S., these became dead-end jobs in Ireland and these will be dead-end jobs in India. But these jobs pay Rs.5000-12000 in India which is not a bad pay, especially if it is supplementing some other source of income (parents/spouse) in the family. I can't understand people who are revolted by this wave of "cyber-coolies". Do they want only i-banking and stock-trading jobs to be outsourced to India? Fat chance! Seriously, if somebody is willing to work like a night owl in a boring dead-end job for a decent pay, its his/her choice. Maybe he's a college student who wants to save up some quick money for a professional education. Maybe she's a housewife who works 2 nights a week to supplement the family income. Maybe he's a 35 year old guy who couldn't find any job until now and took English lessons for 1 year to get this job and is atleast financially independent now. And if the average Indian becomes rich enough to not want to go through this drudgery, India will be a much richer and greater nation. Until then, people should just shut up and put up.

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I wonder if this (NYT, Guardian) will become as funny as the David Kelley drama in U.K.....

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Topa, Cheating, Plagiarism and Declension

Is there more cheating among students these days or less? Probably more, in terms of the information tranferred. But in terms of the effort expended, probably not. I distinctly remember my dad mentioning a contraption with a lamp inside a box and a tracing sheet on the top. We just xerox the stuff. Of course, both generations have to still do the task of cultivating friendships with people who can supply the originals. One of the reasons for the current brouhaha, I think, is that the rules have become more and more complicated. At IITK, in most classes, you had to do assignments on your own. Any help was bad. Period. At Stanford and MIT, the rule in many classes is more convoluted: discuss with your friends as much as you want, but write the solution in your own words. Suppose somebody finishes his pset early and shows up with the full solution. Everybody else photocopies it, studies it, and then writes his "own" solution. How different do you think the solutions are going to be? Similarly, in research, who gets to be a co-author and who gets to be just acknowledged and who just ends up in the "references" section ? Anyway, NYT has an article. As an aside, there is a big word for the "our kids' generation is going to the dogs" mentality: declension.

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