1 Broken Scooter, 4 Iron Cots, 1 Used Ford, 3 Cats, and 1 Small Room

Yet Another Self-Important Blog.

Rohit Singh
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These are a few of my favourite links.


[Tue, 23 Sep 2003]

The longevity of Law & Order

NYT Magazine, has a rather long article talking about how (and why) Law and Order is still doing so well after so many years (three variants: L&O, L&O- SVU, L&O- CI are all in the top 20). Even the reruns do well.

One of my long-standing grudges is that nobody has made a TV drama series about engineers. All such drama series are made about doctors, lawyers, politicians etc. So one of my erstwhile roomies [SSS] had a theory that this is because in such professions you can make one-hour episodes where a short-term story (and short-term characters) can be mixed into a longer-running story. I guess this theory will do until I come across a better one. The article claims that one reason for L&O's longevity is that there is *no* longer-running story, unlike ER or West Wing. So every episode is a nice bite-sized pair of 30min long semi-episodes: one about cops and the other about lawyers. As an aside, one of the reasons for this seems that originally L&O was supposed to be telecast in a 30min slot. Mixing cops and lawyers lets you have edgy stuff in the cop part as well as PYTs in the law part, thus covering all demographics. QED.

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The guy, in NYT Magazine, starts off by mouthing some pseudo-profound fundae about how great recipes "lie hidden in the mind until they emerge of their own volition". I had to look up "frittata" on Webster (unfolded omelet containing chopped veggis and meats, duh!) and I don't have eggs so fresh that they "rise like muffins when you poach them" but the finished food looks good enough (see pg 2) to put up as a screensaver.

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RAW officer killed in Kashmir

RAW says he's the first guy they've lost in Kashmir. Which inspires a lot of confidence in RAW's record and some worry about the fight against terrorism in Kashmir. And he was their top guy in Rajouri and Poonch.

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Can't resist

No wonder he'll be riding a hot air balloon , he's full of hot air himself. [With apologies to SSS]

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