1 Broken Scooter, 4 Iron Cots, 1 Used Ford, 3 Cats, and 1 Small Room

Yet Another Self-Important Blog.

Rohit Singh
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These are a few of my favourite links.


[Sun, 21 Sep 2003]

Iraq, America, and France

There has recently been some interesting stuff about America's Iraqi quagmire and how the French are (not) helping. Thomas Friedman, in NYT, said that the French are now American enemies and that its not just a case of schadenfreude but also a French attempt to equal American power. Guillaume Parmentier, in IHT, countered that the French are being vilified wrongly. He says its not a case of schadenfreude and its just that the French are wary of a unipolar world with so much power invested in the hands of one single country. He did point out that until recently, America itself had been wary of such extreme concentrations of power. Another guy, at Newsweek, discusses why so many Americans still believe that Saddam had something to do with 9/11. He does accept that the current French attitude is an acute case of schadenfreude but blames the Americans themselves for getting themselves in this mess. Finally, Thomas Friedman sounds rather despondent in his new NYT op-ed.

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Mini or Rolls ?

Pick the mini, seriously! The new Rolls Royce looks hideous. Plus, the Mini's a tad cheaper.

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She's not fat, she's a ballerina

The Bolshoi ballet is firing one of their more prominent stars. Ostensibly, one of the reasons is that she's too umm...big for others to lift her.

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