1 Broken Scooter, 4 Iron Cots, 1 Used Ford, 3 Cats, and 1 Small Room

Yet Another Self-Important Blog.

Rohit Singh
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These are a few of my favourite links.


[Thu, 11 Sep 2003]

Americans and Whacky Sports

What is with Americans and their (relatively recent?) penchant for whacky games? Yesterday, as I was walking past the Kresge Oval in the night, I saw a couple of kids dressed up as medieval knights. Both had metal armor like the romans wear in Asterix and were doing something which looked vaguely like a lance fight. The only difference was that each of them had two of those thingies and it was sort of sumo wrestling meets whatever-knights-did-with-lances. And there were a whole bunch of people watching on the sidelines, along with their own armors. It was too surreal, almost like a real scene from Age of Empires.

Whatever happened to baseball ?

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So What If the Movie Is Bad, Atleast The Review Is Good

Happened to read a movie review in TOI for some Hindi flick, Chupke Se. The movie is crappy but the review, by Parul Gupta, is excellent. Especially the last two paragraphs- almost fell off my chair laughing.

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India, Palestine, and Israel: Realpolitik meets Pati,Patni Aur Woh

Somebody should go twhack this guy. What a load of crock-shit (yeah, Maurice Chavez ).

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Bofors, Rajeev Gandhi, and Vir Ke Tir

Vir Sanghvi is one of those rare journalists who are level-headed, balanced, frank, suave, and a great communicator to boot. I ardently hope that his program's name, Vir Ke Tir, wasn't of his choosing. Anyways, he has a column about Bofors. More specifically, it is about why it was a relative non-issue, how Rajeev Gandhi's inexperience hurt him badly, and how people like V.P.Singh took advantage of a situation where nobody quite knew what the truth was and so anybody could get away with any claim. Good for getting a perspective. In case you are thinking this guy is just a Gandhi family fan, no he isn't. He wrote a great article about Atal Bihari Vajpayee a couple of months ago. I tried to search for the link to that but HT's search feature sucks- it can find the right blurb/summary, but the corresponding link takes me to his most recent column.

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Hi, I'm the guy on Floor 79. Could you send over 3000 roses please?

Seriously, the world is a totally unfair place. I live in a 10'x8' room in an apt which doesn't have a living room, and a kitchen so small that it becomes a walled city when the fridge door is opened. And here you have guys who are forking out a measly $10 million for a 'wow' apartment and a paltry $20 million for a 'Wow' apartment in Manhattan. And not only are these apartments totally cool but the amenities include part-time access to an executive jet, a maid assigned just to you and a dogwalker who'll be extra nice to your dog.

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