Computational Psycholinguistics, Fall 2020

1 Class information

Lecture Times Mondays & Wednesdays 9:30–11:00am
Recitation Time Fridays 10–11am
Lecture & Recitation Location On Zoom!
Class website

2 Instructor information

Instructor Roger Levy (
Instructor's office On Zoom!
Instructor's office hours MW 11am–12pm
Teaching Assistants Annika Heuser (; Carina Kauf (
TA Office On Zoom!
TA Office Hours Tuesdays 4pm (Annika); Thursdays 3pm (Carina)

3 Class Description

Over the last two and a half decades, computational linguistics has been revolutionized as a result of three closely related developments: increases in computing power, the advent of large linguistic datasets, and paradigm shifts toward probabilistic modeling and deep learning. At the same time, similar theoretical developments in cognitive science have led to a view of major aspects of human cognition as instances of rational statistical inference. These developments have set the stage for renewed interest in computational approaches to how humans use language. Correspondingly, this course covers some of the most exciting developments in computational psycholinguistics over the past decade. The course spans human language comprehension, production, and acquisition, and covers key phenomena spanning phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Students will learn technical tools including probabilistic models, formal grammars, neural networks, and decision theory, and how theory, computational modeling, and data can be combined to advance our fundamental understanding of human language acquisition and use.

4 Class organization

The fall 2020 edition of 9.19/9.190 will operate as a "flipped" virtual classroom. It will feature pre-recorded lecture videos by the instructor available in advance of the class meeting time; part of your out-of-class work will involve watching the video for the upcoming class and preparing questions about it. In-class activities will include in-class exercises, reviewing answering questions about lecture and exercise content, and open discussion.

Also new in fall 2020 will be a recitation session led by TAs, which will review relevant material on programming, linguistics, probability, and machine learning.

5 Intended Audience

Undergraduate or graduate students in Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Linguistics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, and any of a number of related disciplines. The undergraduate section is 9.19, the graduate section is 9.190. Postdocs and faculty are also welcome to participate!

The course prerequisites are:

  1. One semester of Python programming (fulfillable by 6.00/6.0001+6.0002, for example), plus
  2. Either:
    • one semester of probability/statistics/machine learning (fulfilled by, for example, 6.041B or 9.40), or
    • one semester of introductory linguistics (fulfilled by 24.900 or equivalent).

If you think you have the requisite background but have not taken the specific courses just mentioned, please talk to the instructor to work out whether you should take this course or do other prerequisites first.

We will be doing Python programming in this course, and also using programs that must be run from the Unix/Linux/OS X command line. If you have less than one semester of Python programming experience and/or would like to strengthen your Python programming background, I have listed some resources recommended by others here.

6 Readings & Textbooks

Readings will frequently be drawn from the following textbooks:

  1. Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. Speech and Language Processing. Draft chapters for the third edition can be found here. (I refer to this book as "SLP3" in the syllabus.)

    This textbook is the single most comprehensive and up-to-date introduction available to the field of computational linguistics. Note: we will also be using some chapters from the second edition (2008); these will be referred to as J&M2008 on the syllabus, and will be available on Stellar.

  2. Jacob Eisenstein. 2019. Introduction to Natural Language Processing. MIT Press. Pre-publication PDF available here.

    This is an excellent recent textbook on natural language processing, with contemporary deep learning thoroughly integrated. We will be using the pre-publication version freely available, under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND license, here.

  3. Bird, Steven, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper. 2009. Natural Language Processing with Python. O'Reilly Media. (I refer to this book as "NLTK" in the syllabus.)

    This is the book for the Natural Language Toolkit (or NLTK), which we will be using extensively to do programming We will also be doing some of our programming in the Python programming language, and will make quite a bit of use of Python. You can buy this book, or you can freely access it on the Web at

  4. Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schütze. (1999). Foundations of statistical natural language processing. Cambridge: MIT press. Book chapter PDFs can be obtained through the MIT library website. (I refer to this book as "M&S" in the syllabus.)

    This is an older but still very useful book on natural language processing (NLP).

We'll also occasionally draw upon other sources for readings, including original research papers in computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, and other areas of the cognitive science of language.

7 Syllabus (subject to modification!)

Week Day Topic Readings Related readings Problem sets
Week 1 Wed 2 Sep Course intro; intro to probability theory; speech perception M&S 2.1 . Goldsmith, 2007; Clayards et al., 2008 Pset 1 out
  Fri 4 Sep Recitation 1: Probability theory      
Week 2 Mon 7 Sep Labor Day, no class      
  Wed 9 Sep Speech perception and introductory rational analysis Selection from Anderson 1990; PMSL 5.2.4    
  Fri 11 Sep Recitation 2: Python programming      
Week 3 Mon 14 Sep Word sequences, language models and $N$-grams . SLP3 3   Pset 2 out
  Wed 16 Sep Psycholinguistic methods; prediction in human language understanding; surprisal theory . Kutas et al. 2011; TBD . McMurray et al., 2008; Smith & Levy, 2013; Rayner, 1998; Dahan et al., 2001  
  Fri 18 Sep Recitation 3: Regular expressions in practice     Pset 1 due
Week 4 Mon 21 Sep Regular expressions and finite-state machines J&M2008 2.1-2.4, 3; Eisenstein, 2018, Section 9.1    
  Wed 23 Sep Is human language finite state? SLP3 11; J&M2008 16 (under Readings on Stellar); . Chomsky, 1956 Pset 3 out
  Fri 25 Sep Recitation 4: Linguistics fundamentals      
Week 5 Mon 28 Sep Context-free grammars; syntactic analysis. SLP3 12; Eisenstein, 2018, Section 9.2; NLTK 8.1-8.5; Levy & Andrew, 2006 . Gazdar, 1981 (esp. Section 2); Müller, 2018 (esp. Section 5.4); Joshi et al., 1991 (on formalisms beyond context-free) Pset 2 due
  Wed 30 Sep Context-free grammars and syntactic analysis continued.      
  Fri 2 Aug Recitation 5: Writing grammar fragments      
Week 6 Mon 5 Oct Probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFGs), incremental parsing, human syntactic processing SLP3 10 & 13; NLTK 8.6; Levy, 2013 . Jurafsky, 1996; Hale, 2001; Levy, 2008 Pset 4 out
  Wed 7 Oct Theory, models, and data for human language comprehension      
  Fri 9 Oct Recitation 6: Designing experiments & interpreting experimental data     Pset 3 due
Week 7 Mon 12 Oct Indigenous Peoples' Day, no class (our class is Tuesday)      
  Tue 13 Oct Bayes Nets; the perceptual magnet Russell & Norvig, 2010, chapter 14 (on Stellar); Feldman & Griffiths, 2006; Levy in progress, Directed Graphical Models appendix;    
  Wed 14 Oct Multi-factor models: logistic regression; word order preferences in language. Hierarchical models; binomial construction. SLP3 5; Graphical models intro ; Morgan & Levy, 2015 . Bayes Nets lecture notes; Kraljic et al., 2008 Pset 5 out
  Fri 16 Oct Recitation 7: Midterm review     Pset 4 due
Week 8 Mon 19 Oct Midterm exam (take-home, 24 hours)      
  Wed 21 Oct Logistic regression review; basic multi-layer neural networks SLP3 7.1-7.4; Eisenstein, 2018, 3.1-3.3 . Mikolov et al., 2013, Pennington et al., 2014, Gutierrez et al., 2016  
  Fri 23 Oct Recitation 8: feed-forward neural networks      
Week 9 Mon 26 Oct Word embeddings SLP3 6; Eisenstein, 2018, Ch. 14; Young et al., 2018, Section IV; . Goldberg, 2015; Collobert et al., 2011; Levy, Goldberg, & Dagan, 2015; Pset 6 out
  Wed 28 Oct Neural networks for natural language SLP3 7.5, 9.1-9.4; Eisenstein 2018, 6.3    
  Fri 30 Oct Recitation 8: language modeling with deep learning     Pset 5 due
Week 10 Mon 2 Nov What do neural networks learn about language structure – and what don't they learn? . Linzen & Baroni, 2020 . Linzen et al., 2016; Gulordava et al., 2018, Linzen 2019  
  Wed 4 Nov Bringing together grammar and deep learning; controlled syntactic evaluation of neural language models . Dyer et al., 2016; Futrell et al., 2019 . Choe & Charniak, 2016; Kuncoro et al., 2017; Dyer et al., 2015 Pset 7 out
  Fri 6 Nov Recitation 9: comparing models with human data      
Week 11 Mon 9 Nov Transformers; filler-gap dependencies . Vaswani et al., 2017; Sasha Rush's "The Annotated Transformer"; Wilcox et al., 2018 . Radford et al., 2018; Radford et al., 2019 Pset 6 due
  Wed 11 Nov Veterans Day, no class      
  Fri 13 Nov Recitation 10: how attention works      
Week 12 Mon 16 Nov Noisy-channel language comprehension . Levy et al., 2009    
  Wed 18 Nov Noisy-channel language comprehension II . Gibson et al., 2013; Futrell & Levy, 2017    
  Fri 20 Nov Recitation 11: hierarchical Bayesian models     Pset 7 due
Week 13 Mon 23 Nov Thanksgiving holiday week, no class      
  Wed 25 Nov Thanksgiving holiday week, no class     Pset 8 out
  Fri 27 Nov Thanksgiving holiday week, no recitation      
Week 14 Mon 30 Nov Unsupervised learning and native language acquisition I . Feldman et al., 2013    
  Wed 2 Dec Unsupervised learning and native language acquisition II . Saffran et al., 1996; Goldwater, Griffiths, & Johnson, 2009   9.190 Class projects due Friday, December 4
  Fri 4 Dec Recitation 12: topic TBD     Pset 8 due (no penalty for turning in up to 1 week late)
Week 15 Mon 7 Dec Computational semantics & pragmatics . Frank & Goodman, 2016    
  Wed 9 Dec End-of-semester review Use this class to review readings from the rest of the semester!    
Final Exam Tue 15 Dec Official time 1:30-4:30pm; you may arrange an alternative time convenient to you      

8 Requirements & grading

You'll be graded on:

Work Grade percentage (9.19) Grade percentage (9.190)
A number of homework assignments throughout the semester 60% 48%
A midterm exam 15% 12%
A final exam 25% 20%
If you are enrolled in 9.190, a class project -- 20%

Active participation in the class is also encouraged and taken into account in borderline grade cases!

8.1 Pset late policy

Psets can be turned in up to 7 days late; 10% of your score will be deducted for each 24 hours of lateness (rounded up). For example, if a homework assignment is worth 80 points, you turn it in 3 days late, and earn a 70 before lateness is taken into account, your score will be (1-0.3)*70=49.

8.2 Personal or medical circumstances impacting psets, exams, or projects

If personal or medical circumstances such as illness impact your work on a pset or project, or your ability to take an exam on the scheduled date with adequate preparation, please work with Student Support Services (S3) to verify these circumstances and be in touch with the instructor. We are happy to work with you in whatever way is most appropriate to your individual circumstances to help ensure that you are able to achieve your best performance in class while maintaining your health, happiness, and well-being.

8.3 Mapping of class score to letter grade

We use new homework and exam materials every year, and it can be hard to perfectly predict the difficulty of assignments and exams. Therefore I determine standards for end-of-semester letter grades in light of student performance throughout the class (though I do not grade on a curve). However, I guarantee minimum grades on the basis of the following thresholds:

Threshold Guaranteed minimum grade
>=90% A-
>=80% B-
>=70% C-
>=60% D

So, for example, an overall score of 90.0001% of points guarantees you an A-, but you could well wind up with a higher grade depending on the ultimate grade thresholds determined at the end of the semester.

Author: Roger Levy (

Created: 2020-11-30 Mon 13:24
