Fadel Adib

Research Overview & Vision

The videos below describes my group's latest research and vision as well as our projects on various topics including oceans, health, robotics, and IoT.

Research Vision & Ongoing Work

(Oceans, Health, Robotics, Mixed Reality)

Recent Progress in Wireless Sensing of Humans

(Contactless Cardiovascular & Stress Monitoring)

Project Videos

The videos below focus on specific technologies and their applications.

Augmented Reality with X-Ray Vision

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Battery-free Underwater Imaging

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Robot Mechanical Search

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Robot Grasping Hidden Objects

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Robot Finding its Way Through Clutter

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Batteryless Subsea IoT

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Submarine-to-Airplane Communication

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Wireless & Batteryless Micro-Implants

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Drones in Supply Chain (RFID)

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Wireless Emotion Recognition

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Seeing Through Walls

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Contactless Vitals Monitoring

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Contactless 3D Tracking

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WiFi Sensing of Humans

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© Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2020