Package pzapplet

Class Summary
BodeMagPanel Holds the axis labels, title and a BodeMagPlot.
BodeMagPlot Graphs the magnitude plot of a full Bode plot.
BodePhasePanel Holds axis labels, title and a BodePhasePlot.
BodePhasePlot BodePhasePlot draws the phase component of the full Bode plot.
BodePlotPanel Holds the two JPanel's of the Bode plot, magnitude and phase.
ComplexToPoly This class calculates a single polynomial from any number of real or complex conjugate poles.
Coord This class represents a coordinate in a cartesian plane.
CreditsPanel Credits and acknowledgments for the Applet.
FreqResponse Represents a frequency response of a system.
GraphPanel Abstract class defining a type of JPanel that specifically contains a GraphPlot that can be updated.
GraphPlot Abstract class defining how a graph should be drawn.
LinearSystem A representation of a system as a FreqResponse and StepResponse.
LinearSystemHolder This Class contains all the LinearSystems to be graphed.
NicholsPanel Contains axis labels, title, and a NicholsPlot.
NicholsPlot Draws the Nichols Plot of one or many LinearSystems.
NyquistPanel Contains the axis labels, title, and NyquistPlot.
NyquistPlot Draws the Nyquist Plot for one or many LinearSystems.
PoleZeroApplet The root class for the Pole Zero Applet.
PZButtons This creates the buttons that change the mode of the applet.
PZOutputGraphs Creates a JTabbedPane that holds the separate panes that are output by the PZApplet.
PZSPlaneGraph Contains the S-Plane graph and allows clicking to modify the graph.
StepResponse Calculates and stores the step response of a given system of poles and zeros.
StepResponsePanel Contains axis labels, title and StepResponsePlot.
StepResponsePlot Draws the plot of one or many LinearSystems.