addPolePair(Coord, int) - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
addSystem(FreqResponse, StepResponse) - Method in class pzapplet.LinearSystemHolder
addSystem(LinearSystem) - Method in class pzapplet.LinearSystemHolder
addSystem(FreqResponse) - Method in class pzapplet.LinearSystemHolder
addSystem(StepResponse) - Method in class pzapplet.LinearSystemHolder
addZeroPair(Coord, int) - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet


BodeMagPanel - class pzapplet.BodeMagPanel.
Holds the axis labels, title and a BodeMagPlot.
BodeMagPanel() - Constructor for class pzapplet.BodeMagPanel
Creates a new BodeMagPanel
BodeMagPlot - class pzapplet.BodeMagPlot.
Graphs the magnitude plot of a full Bode plot.
BodeMagPlot() - Constructor for class pzapplet.BodeMagPlot
Creates a new BodeMagPlot
BodePhasePanel - class pzapplet.BodePhasePanel.
Holds axis labels, title and a BodePhasePlot.
BodePhasePanel() - Constructor for class pzapplet.BodePhasePanel
Creates new BodePhasePanel
BodePhasePlot - class pzapplet.BodePhasePlot.
BodePhasePlot draws the phase component of the full Bode plot.
BodePhasePlot() - Constructor for class pzapplet.BodePhasePlot
Creates a new BodePhasePlot
BodePlotPanel - class pzapplet.BodePlotPanel.
Holds the two JPanel's of the Bode plot, magnitude and phase.
BodePlotPanel() - Constructor for class pzapplet.BodePlotPanel
Creates a new BodePlotPanel.
botLabel - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot


ComplexToPoly - class pzapplet.ComplexToPoly.
This class calculates a single polynomial from any number of real or complex conjugate poles.
ComplexToPoly(Complex[]) - Constructor for class pzapplet.ComplexToPoly
Creates a new ComplexToPoly with the given complex values
Coord - class pzapplet.Coord.
This class represents a coordinate in a cartesian plane.
Coord(int, int) - Constructor for class pzapplet.Coord
CreditsPanel - class pzapplet.CreditsPanel.
Credits and acknowledgments for the Applet.
CreditsPanel() - Constructor for class pzapplet.CreditsPanel
Creates a new CreditsPanel.
centerLabel - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
colorSelection - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot


deleteAllSystems() - Method in class pzapplet.LinearSystemHolder
Replaces the current Vector of systems with an empty vector
deletePolePair(Coord, int, boolean) - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
deleteZeroPair(Coord, int, boolean) - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
drawGridlines(Graphics2D) - Method in class pzapplet.BodeMagPlot
drawGridlines(Graphics2D) - Method in class pzapplet.BodePhasePlot
Handle's drawing non-standard gridlines.
drawGridlines(Graphics2D) - Method in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
Draws the standard set of 3 vertical and 3 horizontal graph lines.
drawGridlines(Graphics2D) - Method in class pzapplet.NicholsPlot
drawGridlines(Graphics2D) - Method in class pzapplet.NyquistPlot
drawGridlines(Graphics2D) - Method in class pzapplet.StepResponsePlot


equals(Coord) - Method in class pzapplet.Coord


FreqResponse - class pzapplet.FreqResponse.
Represents a frequency response of a system.
FreqResponse(Complex[], Complex[]) - Constructor for class pzapplet.FreqResponse
This creates a FreqResponse of discrete data points over a range of frequencies, given the poles and zeros passed to this.
FreqResponse(double[], double[], int, int) - Constructor for class pzapplet.FreqResponse
This creates a FreqResponse with the specified magnitudes and phases at each frequency ranging from 10^(low) to 10^(high).
frequencyResponses - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot


GraphPanel - class pzapplet.GraphPanel.
Abstract class defining a type of JPanel that specifically contains a GraphPlot that can be updated.
GraphPanel() - Constructor for class pzapplet.GraphPanel
GraphPlot - class pzapplet.GraphPlot.
Abstract class defining how a graph should be drawn.
GraphPlot() - Constructor for class pzapplet.GraphPlot
getAllFreqs() - Method in class pzapplet.LinearSystemHolder
getAllSteps() - Method in class pzapplet.LinearSystemHolder
getAllSystems() - Method in class pzapplet.LinearSystemHolder
getDegree() - Method in class pzapplet.ComplexToPoly
getErrorMsg() - Method in class pzapplet.StepResponse
Possible error when there are more zeros than poles.
getFreq() - Method in class pzapplet.LinearSystem
getFreqs() - Method in class pzapplet.FreqResponse
Returns a double[] of each frequency value iteration
getGain() - Method in class pzapplet.StepResponse
getHigh() - Method in class pzapplet.FreqResponse
getLow() - Method in class pzapplet.FreqResponse
getMags() - Method in class pzapplet.FreqResponse
getMaximumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.BodeMagPanel
getMaximumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.BodePhasePanel
getMaximumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.BodePlotPanel
getMaximumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
getMaximumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.PZButtons
getMaximumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
getMaximumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.StepResponsePanel
getMinimumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.BodeMagPanel
getMinimumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.BodePhasePanel
getMinimumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.BodePlotPanel
getMinimumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
getMinimumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.PZButtons
getMinimumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
getMinimumSize() - Method in class pzapplet.StepResponsePanel
getMode() - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
getOpp(int) - Method in class pzapplet.Coord
getPhases() - Method in class pzapplet.FreqResponse
getPoles() - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
getPoly() - Method in class pzapplet.ComplexToPoly
getPreferredSize() - Method in class pzapplet.BodeMagPanel
getPreferredSize() - Method in class pzapplet.BodePhasePanel
getPreferredSize() - Method in class pzapplet.BodePlotPanel
getPreferredSize() - Method in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
getPreferredSize() - Method in class pzapplet.PZButtons
getPreferredSize() - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
getPreferredSize() - Method in class pzapplet.StepResponsePanel
getRes() - Method in class pzapplet.FreqResponse
getStep() - Method in class pzapplet.LinearSystem
getStepResponseData() - Method in class pzapplet.StepResponse
getX() - Method in class pzapplet.Coord
getY() - Method in class pzapplet.Coord
getZeros() - Method in class pzapplet.ComplexToPoly
getZeros() - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
graphFont - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
graphFreqs(FreqResponse[]) - Method in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
Graphs the specific frequency responses to be plotted.
graphSteps(StepResponse[]) - Method in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
Graphs the specific steps responses to be plotted.


height - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
heightOverTwo - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot


init() - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet


LinearSystem - class pzapplet.LinearSystem.
A representation of a system as a FreqResponse and StepResponse.
LinearSystem(FreqResponse, StepResponse) - Constructor for class pzapplet.LinearSystem
LinearSystemHolder - class pzapplet.LinearSystemHolder.
This Class contains all the LinearSystems to be graphed.
LinearSystemHolder() - Constructor for class pzapplet.LinearSystemHolder
Creates a new Frequency/StepResponse Response container.
leftLabel - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
lineColor - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot


midLabel - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph


NicholsPanel - class pzapplet.NicholsPanel.
Contains axis labels, title, and a NicholsPlot.
NicholsPanel() - Constructor for class pzapplet.NicholsPanel
NicholsPlot - class pzapplet.NicholsPlot.
Draws the Nichols Plot of one or many LinearSystems.
NicholsPlot() - Constructor for class pzapplet.NicholsPlot
Creates a new NicholsPlot
NyquistPanel - class pzapplet.NyquistPanel.
Contains the axis labels, title, and NyquistPlot.
NyquistPanel() - Constructor for class pzapplet.NyquistPanel
Creates a new NyquistPanel
NyquistPlot - class pzapplet.NyquistPlot.
Draws the Nyquist Plot for one or many LinearSystems.
NyquistPlot() - Constructor for class pzapplet.NyquistPlot
Creates a new NyquistPlot
numOfColors - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot


PZButtons - class pzapplet.PZButtons.
This creates the buttons that change the mode of the applet.
PZButtons(PoleZeroApplet) - Constructor for class pzapplet.PZButtons
PZOutputGraphs - class pzapplet.PZOutputGraphs.
Creates a JTabbedPane that holds the separate panes that are output by the PZApplet.
PZOutputGraphs(PoleZeroApplet) - Constructor for class pzapplet.PZOutputGraphs
PZSPlaneGraph - class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph.
Contains the S-Plane graph and allows clicking to modify the graph.
PZSPlaneGraph(PoleZeroApplet) - Constructor for class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
PoleZeroApplet - class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet.
The root class for the Pole Zero Applet.
PoleZeroApplet() - Constructor for class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class pzapplet.BodeMagPlot
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class pzapplet.BodePhasePlot
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class pzapplet.NicholsPlot
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class pzapplet.NyquistPlot
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class pzapplet.StepResponsePlot
pzapplet - package pzapplet


reset() - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
Resets the Applet to its starting state, except for the mode
rightLabel - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot


StepResponse - class pzapplet.StepResponse.
Calculates and stores the step response of a given system of poles and zeros.
StepResponse(Complex[], Complex[]) - Constructor for class pzapplet.StepResponse
This creates the step response data for a given system.
StepResponsePanel - class pzapplet.StepResponsePanel.
Contains axis labels, title and StepResponsePlot.
StepResponsePanel() - Constructor for class pzapplet.StepResponsePanel
Creates new StepResponsePanel
StepResponsePlot - class pzapplet.StepResponsePlot.
Draws the plot of one or many LinearSystems.
StepResponsePlot() - Constructor for class pzapplet.StepResponsePlot
Creates a new StepResponsePlot.
setMode(String) - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class pzapplet.PZOutputGraphs
setup() - Method in class pzapplet.BodeMagPanel
setup() - Method in class pzapplet.BodePhasePanel
Overwritten setup() method from GraphPanel.
setup() - Method in class pzapplet.BodePlotPanel
setup() - Method in class pzapplet.CreditsPanel
setup() - Method in class pzapplet.GraphPanel
Ensures extending classes implement a setup() method.
setup() - Method in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
setup() - Method in class pzapplet.NicholsPanel
setup() - Method in class pzapplet.NyquistPanel
setup() - Method in class pzapplet.StepResponsePanel
Overwritten setup() method from GraphPanel.
start() - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
stepResponses - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot


toNormalizedString() - Method in class pzapplet.ComplexToPoly
toString() - Method in class pzapplet.ComplexToPoly
toString() - Method in class pzapplet.Coord
topLabel - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot


updateApplet() - Method in class pzapplet.PoleZeroApplet
Updates the entire applet: s-plane, buttons, and output graphs
updateGraphics(LinearSystemHolder) - Method in class pzapplet.BodeMagPanel
updateGraphics(LinearSystemHolder) - Method in class pzapplet.BodePhasePanel
Overwritten updateGraphics from GraphPanel.
updateGraphics(LinearSystemHolder) - Method in class pzapplet.BodePlotPanel
Updates itself and its children panels with new information passed in the sys variable.
updateGraphics(LinearSystemHolder) - Method in class pzapplet.CreditsPanel
updateGraphics(LinearSystemHolder) - Method in class pzapplet.GraphPanel
Ensures extending classes implement this method, which is used to pass information from the main applet class to the panels that draw the graphs.
updateGraphics(LinearSystemHolder) - Method in class pzapplet.NicholsPanel
updateGraphics(LinearSystemHolder) - Method in class pzapplet.NyquistPanel
updateGraphics() - Method in class pzapplet.PZButtons
Updates the graphics of this.
updateGraphics(LinearSystemHolder) - Method in class pzapplet.PZOutputGraphs
updateGraphics() - Method in class pzapplet.PZSPlaneGraph
Updates the graph and redraws poles and zeros.
updateGraphics(LinearSystemHolder) - Method in class pzapplet.StepResponsePanel
Overwritten updateGraphics from GraphPanel.


width - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
widthOverTwo - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
withinRangeOf(Coord, int) - Method in class pzapplet.Coord


X_MIDDLE_VALUE - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
X_SCALING_FACTOR - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot


Y_MIDDLE_VALUE - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot
Y_SCALING_FACTOR - Variable in class pzapplet.GraphPlot