Julien Tailleur's Home Page
MIT Department of Physics
Building 6C-419
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
e-mail : jgt (at) mit.edu
CV (
Beijing (China) 2024. Active Matter: Interfaces and Boundaries. Invited talk.
Tokyo (Japan) 2023. StatPhys28. Invited talk.
Telluride (USA) 2023. Driven Self-assembling and Organizing non-equilibrium systems. Invited talk.
Leiden (The Netherlands) 2022. Active Matter: The Next 25 Years 2022. Invited talk.
Edinburgh (Scotland) 2022. Statistical mechanical theories of emergence in biological systems. Invited talk.
Chicago (USA) 2022, APS. Contributed talk.
Paris (France) 2022, Journées de Physique Statistique. Invited talk.
Venice (Italy) 2021, Stochastic Models and Experiments in Ecology and Biology. Contributed talk through zoom.
Spetses (Grece) 2021, News from Disordered Elastic Systems. Invited talk.
Praha (Czech Republic) 2021, Liquid Matter Conference. Keynote speaker. Through zoom.
Paris (France) 2021, Statistical Physics of Active Matter. Random Inhomogeneous System conference. Invited talk through zoom.
Santa Barbara (USA) 2020, Symmetry, Thermodynamics and Topology in Active Matter. Through zoom.
Paris (France) 2019, Non-equilibrium phase separation and self-assembly. Invited talk.
Roscoff (France) 2019, New Physics in Living Systems. Invited talk.
Orleans (France) 2019, Scaling limits and large deviations. Invited talk.
Beijing (China) 2019, Out of equilibrium soft matter systems---from driven to active systems. Invited talk.
Erice (Italy) 2018, Self-Organization in Active Matter: from Colloids to Cells. Invited talk.
Rehovot (Israel) 2018, Correlations, fluctuations and anomalous transport in systems far from equilibrium. Invited talk.
Paris (France) 2017, Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium: Life Sciences Workshop. Invited talks.
New Orleans (USA) 2017, APS March meeting. Invited talk.
Edinburgh (Scotland) 2017, New Directions in Theoretical Physics 2. Invited talk.
Hong-Kong (China) 2016, 9th Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific. Invited talk.
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2016, Biomimetic and living materials : active matter at high densities. Invited talk.
Seoul (Korea) 2016, KIAS conference on statistical physics. Invited talk.
Roscoff (France) 2016, Out-of-Equilibrium & Active Soft Matter. Invited talk.
Les Houches (France) 2016, Dynamics and Information Processing : from Cells to Tissues. Invited talk.
Lyon (France) 2015, GDR Phenix on Active Liquids. Contributed talk.
Suzhou (China) 2015, Physics of Active Matter. Invited talk.
Paris (France) 2015, Interacting Particles Systems and Non-equilibrium Dynamics. Invited talk.
Berkeley (USA) 2015, Mini Stat Mech meeting. Invited talk.
Bad Honnef (Germany) 2014, "565th Heraeus Seminar on Statistical Physics of Self-Propelling Particles". Invited talk.
Firenze (Italy) 2014, "Advances in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics". Invited talk.
Paris (Fance) 2014, "GDR Mephy: fluides actifs". Contributed talk.
Santa-Barbara (USA) 2014, "Cytoskeleton, Cells, Tissues and Flocks". Invited talk.
Seoul (Korea) 2013, "StatPhys 25". Contributed talk.
Seoul (Korea) 2013, "Patterns & waves in populations of cells and active particles". Invited talk.
Kyoto (Japan) 2013, "Frontier of Statistical Physics and Information Processing". Invited talk.
Warwick (UK) 2013, "Models from Statistical Mechanics in Applied Sciences". Invited talk.
Baltimore (US) 2013, "APS March Meeting 2013". Invited talk.
Orsay (France) 2013, "Approche physique des communautés bactériennes". Invited talk.
Bielefeld (Germany) 2012, "Collective Motion in Biological Systems : from Data to Models". Contributed talk.
Lyon (France) 2012, "Computation of transition trajectories and rare events in non-equilibrium systems". Invited talk.
Haifa (Israel) 2012, "Statistical mechanics of granular and molecular fluids". Invited talk.
Dresden (Germany) 2011, "Collective Dynamics and Pattern Formation in Active Matter Systems". Invited talk.
Vienna (Austria) 2011, "8th Liquid Matter Conference". Contributed talk.
Dresden (Germany) 2011, "Large Fluctuations in Non-Equilibrium Systems". Invited talk.
Lyon (France) 2011, "Computation of rare events". Invited talk.
London (UK) 2011, "Mini-conference on statistical mechanics of glassy and disordered systems". Contributed talk.
Dallas (US) 2011, "APS March Meeting 2011". Invited talk.
Seoul (Korea) 2010, "Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems". Contributed talk.
Cairns (Australia) 2010, "StatPhys 24". Contributed talk.
Hong-Kong 2010, "StatPhysHK, Complexity, Computation, Information". Contributed talk.
Glasgow (UK) 2010, "Individual and Collective Fluid Mechanics of Swimming Microorganisms". Contributed talk.
Warwick (UK) 2010, "Mathematics of Evolutionary Dynamics". Invited talk.
Edinburgh (UK) 2010,"Cambride-Edinburgh meeting". Contributed talk.
Haifa & Rehovot (Israël) 2009,"Steady-States, Fluctuations and Dynamics of Non-Equilibrium Systems". Invited talk.
Lyon (France) 2009, "Journées interfaces Physique Biologie du GDR Phénix". Contributed Talk.
Dresden (Germany) 2009, "Many-body systems far from equilibrium: Fluctuations, slow dynamics and long-range interactions". Invited talk.
Paris (France) 2009, "Satistical Physics of Active Matter". Contributed talk.
Granada (Spain) 2008, "10th Granada Seminar on Computational and Statistical Physics". Contributed talk.
Genoa (Italia) 2007, "StatPhys 23". Contributed talk.
Paris (France) 2007, "10e Rencontres du non-linéraire". Contributed talk.
Paris (France) 2007, "Journées de Physique Statistique 2007". Contributed talk.
Cambridge (UK) 2006, "First-Passage and Extreme Value Problems in Random Processes". Poster.
Cambridge (UK) 2006, "Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Interacting Particle Systems". Poster.
Cambridge (UK) 2006, "Relaxation Dynamics of Macroscopic Systems". Poster.
Paris (France) 2006, ESPCI, "Journées de Physique Statistique 2006". Contributed talk.
Leuven (Belgium) 2005, "Fundamental problems in statistical physics XI". Poster.
Paris (France) 2005, ESPCI, "Journées de Physique Statistique 2005". Contributed talk.
Invited lectures
Beijing (China) 2024, “Active Matter: Interfaces and Boundaries”. Tutorial.
Les Houches (France) 2023, “Les Houches Theoretical Biophysics Summer School 2023”.
Orsay (France) 2022, School on Disorder in Complex Systems.
Cargese (France) 2021, Glassy Systems And Interdisciplinary Applications.
Quiberon (France) 2021, The Beg Rohu Summer School. Through zoom.
Bengaluru (India) 2020, Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Systems: Theory and applications. Through zoom.
Munich (Germany) 2019, School on the Physics of Life.
Cargese (France) 2017, Microswimmers - From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour
New Orleans (USA) 2017, APS March Meeting tutorial on Active Matter
Zanjan (Iran) 2016, IASBS-ICTP School on Active Matter and Chemotaxis.
Beijing (China) 2015, CSRC introductory school.
Kyoto (Japan) 2015, Kyoto Winter School.
Saarbruecken (Germany) 2011, "Structure formation and transport in complex systems".
Organization of conferences & schools
Kyoto (Japan), July 2023. Satellite meeting of StatPhys28 on
Frontiers in nonequilibrium physics: active matter, topology and beyond
Member of the International Advisory Committee of STATPHYS28.
Dijon (France) 2021, Program committee of "French Regional Conference on Complex Systems FRCCS 2021".
Paris (France) 2021, Workshop on "Statistical Physics of Active Matter Day", "Inhomogeneous Random Systems" Conference.
Les Houches (France) 2018,
Summer school Active Matter and Non-equilibrium physics.
Paris (France) Sept. 2018,
A conference in honor of Luca Peliti
Aspen (USA) 2018,
Fundamental Problems in Active Matter
Orsay (France) 2017, Congrès général de la société française de physique, colloquium on active matter.
Lausanne (Switzerland) 2017, Microswimmers, Self-Propelled Particles, and Active Matter
Leiden (Netherlands) 2015, Active Liquids.
Strasbourg (France) 2015, Congrès général de la société française de physique, colloquium on active matter.
Suzhou (China) 2024, School of Physical Science and Technology, Soochow University
Waltham (USA) 2023, Brandeis University MRSEC, Brandeis Department of Physics
Amherst (USA) 2023, Physics Condensed Matter Seminar, Umass Amherst
Cambridge (USA) 2022, Faculty lunch, MIT Department of Physics
Cambridge (USA), 2022, CMSA Active Matter seminar, Harvard University
NYC (USA) 2022, CCB Colloquium, Flatiron Institute
Lyon (France) 2022, Département de physique de l'ENS Lyon. Colloquium.
Paris (France) 2022, Physics-Chemistry Seminar, Curie Institute, (PSL University)
Through zoom 2021, David \& Edith Harris Physics Colloquium Series, MIT Department of Physics
Through zoom 2021, Biological Physics \& Physical Biology Seminar series
Through zoom 2021, NSCS seminar series (Israeli Society of Nonlinear, Statistical, Complex, Biological and Soft-Matter Physics)
Through zoom 2021, Laboratoire PMMH (ESPCI)
Through zoom 2021, Laboratoire Jean Perrin (Sorbone Université)
Through zoom 2021, "Cracking the glass problem" (Simons collaboration)
Saclay (France) 2020, Seminar of LPTMS (Universite Paris Saclay)
Edinburgh (Scotland) 2020, Theory club (University of Edinburgh)
Paris (France) 2020, Biophysics Seminar (Ecole Normale Superieure)
Heidelberg (Germany) 2020, Structure Jour Fixe seminar, (University of Heidelberg).
Boston (USA) 2020, Department of Physics (MIT)
Haifa (Israel) 2019, Colloquium of the Physics Department (Technion)
Haifa (Israel) 2019, Biostat seminar (Technion)
Paris (France) 2019, Séminaire du cours de Jean-François Joanny (CollÚge de France)
Boston (USA) 2019, Department of Physics (MIT)
Eugene (US) 2019, Colloquium of the Physics Department (University of Oregon)
Berkeley (USA) 2019, Chemical engineering (University of Berkeley)
Paris (France) 2019, Popularization of science seminar (ESPCI)
Grenoble (France) 2019, LIPhy (Université Grenoble Alpes)
NYC (USA) 2018, Flatiron Institute, Centre for Computational Biology
NYC (USA) 2018, CSMR Seminar
NYC (USA) 2018, Applied Maths Seminar, Courant Institute
Paris (France) 2018, Institut Curie
Saclay (France) 2018, Ipht StatPhys seminar, CEA Saclay
Warwick (UK) 2018, Mathsys Forum, University of Warwick
Munich (Germany) 2017, Colloquim of Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics (LMU)
Munich (Germany) 2017, Physics of Complex Biosystems (TUM)
Orsay (France) 2016, LPTMS (Université Paris 11)
Paris (France) 2016, Séminaire du cours de Bernard Derrida (CollÚge de France)
Oxford (UK) 2015,
Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics
(Oxford University)
Hong-Kong (China) 2015,
(Hong-Kong Baptist University)
Saclay (France) 2015,
Institut de Physique Théorique
Hong-Kong (China) 2014,
Department of Chemistry
(Hong-Kong University)
Paris (France) 2014,
(Universite Paris 6)
Grenoble (France) 2014,
(Universite Joseph Fourier)
Roma (Italy) 2014,
Dipartimento di Fisica
(Universita di Roma "La Sapienza")
Tokyo (Japan) 2013,
Sano Laboratory
(the University of Tokyo)
Edinburgh (UK) 2013,
School of Physics and Astronomy
(University of Edinburgh)
Boston (USA) 2013,
Physics Department
(Boston University)
Nice (FR) 2012,
Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné
(Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Lyon (FR) 2012,
(Univ. Lyon 1)
Munich (Germany) 2012,
Biophysics department
(Technische Universitat Munchen)
Montpellier (FR) 2012,
Laboratoire Charles Coulomb
(Université Montpellier 2)
Noisy-Champ (FR) 2012,
Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Mathématiques et Calcul Scientifique
(Ponts et Chaussées)
Saclay (FR) 2011,
Institut de Physique Théorique
Nottingham (UK) 2011,
School of Physics and Astronomy
(University of Nottingham)
Paris (France) 2010,
Laboratoire de Physique Statistique
Paris (France) 2009,
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie Théorique
Paris (France) 2009,
Laboratoire MatiÚre et SystÚme Complexes
(Université Paris 7)
Orsay (France) 2009,
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique
(Université Paris XI)
Leuven (Belgium) 2009,
Instituut voor Theoretische Fysica
(KU Leuven)
London (UK) 2008,
Department of Mathematics
(Queen Mary)
Orsay (France) 2008,
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et ModÚles Statistiques
(Université Paris XI)
Lyon (France) 2007,
Laboratoire de Physique
(ENS Lyon)
London (UK) 2006,
Mathematics Department
(King's College London)
Paris (France) 2006,
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie Théorique
Marseille (France) 2006,
Centre De Physique Théorique
(Université de Marseille)
Paris (France) 2006,
(Observatoire de Paris)
Orsay (France) 2005,
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et ModÚles Statistiques
(Université Paris XI)
Paris (France) 2005,
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie Théorique