Introduction to Multimedia in Museums


Allison & Gwaltney 1991

D.K. Allison and T. Gwaltney, "How People Use Electronic Interactives: "Information Age - People, Information & Technology"", in D. Bearman. ed. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1991, 62- 73.

Balpe 1990

Jean Pierre Balpe. Hyperdocuments Hypertextes Hypermedias . Paris : Editions Eyrolles, 1990.

Bearman 1991

David Bearman, ed. Proceedings of the Hypermedia & Interactivity in Museums Conference October 14-16, 1991. Pittsburgh : Archives and Museum Informatics, 1991.

Bearman quarterly

Archives and Museum Informatics, Cultural Heritage Informatics Quarterly, Archives & Museum Informatics, Pittsburgh, USA, quarterly.


Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.

Blattner & Dannenberg 1992

Blattner, M. and R. Dannenberg, eds., Multimedia interface design. New York: ACM Press, 1992 .

Bush 1991

Bush, Vannevar, "As We May Think," in James M. Nyce and Paul Kahn, eds. From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind"s Machine 85-110 (Reprinted from the "Atlantic Monthly", Vol.176, No.1 (1945), 641-649, and "LIFE", Vol.19, No.11 (1945) 112-114,116,121,123-124, by permission of Alfred D. Crimi, the "Atlantic Monthly", and Richard Bush, MD.), Boston etc., 1991, Academic Press.

Comber 1995

Tim Comber. "Building Usable Web Pages: An HCI Perspective," paper presented at AusWeb95.

Crawford 1989

T. Crawford. Legal Guide for the Visual Artist, NY, USA: Allworth Press, 1989.

Diamond et al 1989

J. Diamond, A. Bond, and A. Hirumi. "Desert Explorations - A Videodisc Exhibit Designed for Flexibility", Curator 32 (3), 1989, 161-173.

Doering et al 1989

Z.D. Doering, J.D. Pawluklewicz and K. Bohling. The Caribou Connection: Will People Stop, Look, and Question? Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1989.

Fisher 1993

S. Fisher. "Do Pop in - It"s Amazing" - How is the Lifetimes Computer Received by its Target Audience, report by The Susie Fisher Group, March 1993.

Floyd 1991

Steve Floyd. The IBM multimedia handbook : complete guide to hardware an software applications . New York : Brady Publishing, 1991.

Giusti 1993a

E. Giusti. "Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast" - An Assesment, American Museum of Natural History, October 1993.

Giusti 1993b

E. Giusti. "Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast" - Mechanical and Electronic Exhibits, American Museum of Natural History, October 1993.

Giusti 1994a

E. Giusti. Electronic Newpaper Evaluation, American Museum of Natural History, 15 February 1994.

Giusti 1994b

E. Giusti. Hall of Human Biology & Evolution: Summative Evaluation, American Museum of Natural History, 3 March 1994.

Henry 1994

M. Henry. Publishing and Multimedia Law, a practical guide, London, UK: Butterworth, 1994.

Hensley 1989

J.R. Hensley. "Computers in Exhibits: Criteria for Application and Evaluation", Spectra 16 (4) , 1989, 1-4.

Herman 1986

J.L. Herman. Evaluation of the Greek Vase Videodisc Developed by the J. Paul Getty Museum, The J. Paul Getty Museum, 20 October 1986.

Hilke et al 1988

D.D. Hilke, E. Hennings, and M. Springuel. "The Impact of Interactive Computer Software on Visitors" Experiences: A Case Study", ILVS Review 1(1), 1988, 34-49.

Hodges & Sasnett

Matthew E. Hodges and Russell M. Sasnett. Multimedia computing: 1993 case studies from MIT Project Athena. Reading, Mass. etc.: Addison-Wesley, 1993.

Hudson 1993

K. Hudson, "Visitor studies: luxuries, placebos, or useful tools?", in S. Bicknell and G. Farmelo, eds., Museum visitor studies in the 90s. London: Science Museum, 1993, 34-40.

ICOM 1994

Corporate funding: a Trojan horse ? / by an ICOM member who wishes to remain anonymous." ICOM News 47 (1994) 3, 11.


ICOM Code of professional ethics

IMA 1994

Proceedings: Technological Strategies for protecting Intellectual Property in the Networked Multimedia Environment, Interactive Multimedia Association, Annapolis, USA, Vol. 1 issue 1, January 1994.

Jones 1993

J. P. Jones. "Communication and learning in Gallery 33: Evidence from a visitor study", in E. Hooper-Greenhill ed. Museum, Media, Message. London: Routledge, 1993.

Korn & Sowd 1990

R. Korn and L. Sowd. Visitor Surveys: A User's Manual. Washington, DC: American Assosiation of Museums, 1990.

Landow 1991

Landow, George P., "The Rhetoric of Hypermedia: Some Rules for Authors", in Paul Delany and George P. Landow, eds., Hypermedia and Literary Studies, Cambridge, Mass., London, 1991, 81-103.

Laufer & Scavetta

Roger Laufer and Domenico Scavetta. Texte, hypertexte, 1992 hypermedia . Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1992.

Laurel 1990

Brenda Laurel, ed., The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design.. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1990.

Laurel 1993

Laurel, Brenda, Computers as Theatre, Reading, Mass.:Addison-Wesley, 1993.

Le Coz & Lemessier

F. Le Coz and F. Lemessier,. "Multimedia Technology at 1993 the Orsay Museum - Institutional Experience and Future Prospects", in D. Lees (ed.) Museums and Interactive Multimedia - Proceedings of the sixth International Conference of the MDA and the Second International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums. Cambridge: The Museum Documentation Association 1993, 377-83.

Lees 1993

Diane Lees. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums (ICHIM"93) /Cambridge : MDA, 1993.

Levy 1990

Pierre Levy. Les technologies de l"intelligence : l"avenir de la pensˇe l"era informatique Paris : Editions La Dˇcouverte, 1990.

Liestml 1994

Gunnar Liestml, "Aesthetic and Rhetorical Aspects of Linking Video in Hypermedia", in: ECHT"94 Proceedings, New York, ACM, 217-223.

Marchionini & Crane

G. Marchionini, and G. Crane. "Evaluating Hypermedia 1994 Learning: Methods and Result from the Perseus Project", ACM Transactions on Information Systems 12(1), 1994, 5-34.

McAleese 1989

Ray McAleese. HYPERTEXT : theory into practice . London : Blackwell Scientific Publication Ltd, 1989.

McLean 1992

K. McLean. "Computers in Exhibits: What Are They Good For?", Curator 35 (4), 1992, 246-8.

McManus 1993a

P. McManus,. "A Study of Visitors" Memories of Gallery 33", in J. P. Jones (ed.) Gallery 33: A Visitor Study. Birmingham: Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery. 1993, 56-73.


P. McManus. "A Survey of Visitors" Reactions to the Interactive Video Programme "Collectors in the South Pacific"", in J. P. Jones, ed. Gallery 33: A Visitor Study. Birmingham: Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, 1993, 74-114.

McNamara 1986

P. McNamara,1986. "Computers Everywhere - But What Happened to the Research?", The Journal of Museum Education: Roundtable Reports 11(1), 21-24.

Mellor 1993

V. Mellor. The Micro Gallery: An evaluation of the Hypertext system in the National Gallery. MSc. thesis, The City University, Department of Information Science, 1993.

Menninger 1991

M. Menninger. An Evaluation Study of the Interactive Videodisc Program on Illuminated Manuscripts, The J. Paul Getty Museum, May 1991.

Meyer 1994

Charles J. Meyer. "Approaching private and corporate foundations" ICOM News 47:3, 1994, 3-4.

Minist¸re 1992

Interactifs : une technique de l"intention. Paris : Minist¸re de la Culture, 1992.

Morrissey 1991

K. Morrissey . "Visitor Behavior and Interactive Video", Curator 34 (2), 1991, 109-118.

Munley 1986

Munley, M.E."Asking the right questions", Museum News. 64 (3), 1986, 18-23.

MUSE 1995

MUSE Multimedia Study Group. Sample CD-ROM Licensing Agreements for Museums. New York: MUSE Educational Media 1995.

Neuman 1991

D. Neuman. "Evaluating Perseus: Naturalistic Inquiry and the Perseus Project", Computers and the Humanities 25 (4), 1991, 239-246

Nielsen 1993

Jakob Nielsen. Usability Engineering, Boston etc.: Academic Press, 1993.

Perrot 1994

Xavier Perrot. Organizing resources for a cultural multimedia production . Athens : Lambrakis Research Foundation, 1994. (Proceedings of the Promotheus international workshop.)

Peterson 1991

A.J. Peterson "Evaluation of Hypermedia and Interactivity in the Museum: Constructivist Approach to Instructional Design", in D. Bearman, ed. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1991, 74-80.

Raphling 1994

B. Raphling. "An "Ideal Way to Evaluate Interactive Computer Programs", Current Trends in Audience Research and Evaluation 8, 1994, 44-48.

Ridder 1994

F. Ridder,. Droits d'Auteur Droits Voisins dans l'Audiovisuel. Paris, France: Dixit, 1994.

Rome Convention

Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Photograms and Broadcasting.

Sayre 1990

Scott Alan Sayre.The development and evaluation of a computer-based system for managing the design and pilot-testing of interactive videodisc programs . St. Paul : University of Minnesota, 1990.

Screven 1992

C.G. Screven. "Computers in Exhibit Settings", Spectra 19 (1), 1992, 7-12.

Search 1993

Patricia Search. "HyperGlyphs: Using Design and Language to Define Hypermedia Navigation", in Hermann Maurer, ed., Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Annual, 1993. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 93, World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 23-26, 1993, 463-470.

Serrell & Raphling

B. Serrell and B. Raphling. "Computers on the Exhibit Floor", 1992, Curator 35 (3), 181-189, 1992.

Sharpe 1983

E. Sharpe. Touch-Screen Computers - An Experimental Orientation Device at the National Museum of American History. Washington, DC: Office of Public and Academic Programs, National Museum of American History, 1983.

Shettel 1989

H. Shettel, "Evaluation in Museums: A Short History of a ShortHistory", in D. L. Uzzell, ed. Heritage Interpretation - The Visitor Experience. vol. 2. London: Bellhaven Press, 1989, 129-137.

Shneiderman 1993

Ben Shneiderman. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction . 2nd ed., Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1993.


B. Shneiderman, D. Brethauer, C. Plaisant and R. Potter. "The et al 1989 Hyperties electronic encyclopedia: An evaluation based on three museum installations", Journal of the American Society for Information Science 40 (3), 1989, 172-82.

Taylor & Serrell

S. Taylor and B.Serrell. Try it! Improving Exhibits through 1991 Formative Evaluation. Washington, DC: Association of Science-Technology Centers, 1991.


Universal Copyright Convention.

Walker 1990

John Walker. "Through the looking Glass", in Brenda Laurel ed., The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1990. Wanning 1991

T. Wanning. "Evaluating Museum Visitors" Use of Interactive Video", in D. Bearman, ed. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums. Pittsburgh, PA: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1991, 53-56.

Worts 1990

D. Worts. "The Computer as Catalyst: Experiences at the Art Gallery of Ontario", ILVS Review 1(2), 1990, 91-108.

Yildiz & Atkins 1993

R. Yildiz and M. Atkins. "Evaluating Multimedia Applications", Computer Assisted Education 21(1-2), 1993, 133-39.

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14. Conclusion Table of Contents