The MIT Assassins' Guild

To err is human...
To forgive is not our policy.

Contact Information

The officers of the Assassins' Guild are known collectively as the High Council. Current members are:

Grandmaster Haley Bates-Tarasewicz
Governing officer and liason to the administration
Vicemaster Adira Balzac
Assistant to the Grandmaster and head of publicity
Scribe Cel Skeggs
Records meetings and conducts general correspondance for the Guild
Secretary of the Exchequer Victoria Longe
Handles funding and supplies
Sergeant at Arms Elaine Phillips
Maintains the Guild armory, keeps the Grandmaster in check, and ensures the cleanliness of the office

The High Council can be contacted by email at

Other non-administrative positions are:

Court Wizard Kevin Chen
Maintains Guild computer resources
Sage Beth Baniszewski
Maintains Guild archives