1 Broken Scooter, 4 Iron Cots, 1 Used Ford, 3 Cats, and 1 Small Room

Yet Another Self-Important Blog.

Rohit Singh
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These are a few of my favourite links.


[Fri, 12 Dec 2003]

Billing by the Hour

The Guardian has an article about how a combination of factors- America's shrinking regular army, a surfeit of available ex-army men, and the willingness to outsource has led to significant chunks of military work (esp U.S.) being outsourced to private companies. Often it is more of a subsidiary or logistical or body-guarding role. But at other times, e.g. in Bosnia, these private corporations might have a much bigger role. And the money's not bad either: ex-SAS (British Spl Forces) guys make upto $1000 per day in Iraq.

This also ties in with the depressing news that the hamaals on the west-coast make way more money than I can hope to make anytime in the near future...All these all-nighters, just for a measly stipend....

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Praful Bidwai doesn't know when to keep his trap shut. Somebody should go thwack the moron. I can't believe he didn't "get" that he was being quoted extensively only because coming from an Indian, his comments were mother lode, as far as western critics of outsourcing are concerned.

Actually, on second thoughts, he shouldn't be faulted for this lack of judgement. If the guy is too stupid to realize a good thing when he sees it (outsourcing + India = good), trusting him to exercise judgement in speaking would be too much to expect.

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Quake Deathmatch, Level 1: "Don't hurt me please"

If you have an army, albeit with an acronym like GSDF, you are supposed to be paying those people to fight. And fighting involves getting hurt (unless you are playing Quake at the newbie level). The Japs want to go to Iraq but they'd rather not have their troops put in danger. So the problem has been to find a safe zone in Iraq for them. :-)) Too many nasty jokes come to mind, both about people who want to give the impression that they are sending troops and people who want to give the impression that their allies are sending troops...

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