1 Broken Scooter, 4 Iron Cots, 1 Used Ford, 3 Cats, and 1 Small Room

Yet Another Self-Important Blog.

Rohit Singh
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Use as directed or at your own risk.

These are a few of my favourite links.


[Fri, 03 Oct 2003]

Nobel Prize Goes to a (ex)Programmer

This year's Nobel Prize went to J.M. Coetzee. Economic Times, observing [via SSS] that Coetzee worked for IBM briefly, has a short blurb musing over how its unusual to see writers/poets with business backgrounds

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Yeah, a take on Slashback. A bunch of links relevant to stuff I have posted earlier: EU having its own religion-state issues and more theater of the absurd (for the President's election)

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Off-Roading Without a Key

A NYT article about a drive through the Adirondacks. Looks interesting and all that, but this was the best part: "a road trip through the Adirondacks is a compromised notion if it stays on the road. It's an off-road place by definition, and no matter what the advertisers (or snowmobilers) tell you, if you have to start it with a key, you are not off-road."

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Theater of the Absurd

NYT Magazine has a really great article about all the nautanki in California. Among the juicy tidbits: Gray Davis' neighbors don't like him one bit, a guy called S. Issa (nobody knows who he is) filed to run as Governor just so people would confuse him with Darrell Issa (the Republican who financed the recall drive) and a meeting of the less well-known candidates took place to form a common platform (remember that these guys are running *against* each other...)

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