Reading list by Wiktor Młynarski, James Traer, Max Siegel, Maddie Cusimano & Luke Hewitt.
We came up with these readings on a sunny afternoon in Wiktor's garden. Collaborative doc version.

The Knowledge Level, Simon Newell

Plenoptic Function, Adelson & Bergen

Ernst & Banks
Brainard & Freeman on Bayesian color constancy
Bloj, Kersten & Hurlbert, 1999
Knill & Kersten, 1991
Kersten, Mamassian, & Knill, 1997
Yair Weiss' Thesis, also Weiss, Simoncelli & Adelson; Stocker & Simoncelli 2006 Noise characteristics and prior expectations in human visual speed perception
Bill Freeman, Generic Viewpoint Principle
Kersten and Schrater: Pattern Inference Theory, 2001

Barlow (1951 or 1962?)
Fred Attneave, "Some Informational Aspects of Visual Perception", 1954

Natural image statistics and Neural Representation (Simoncelli & Olshuasen)
Series, Stocker & Simoncelli: Is the Homunculus "Aware" of Sensory Adaptation?
David Field: What is the goal of sensory coding? 1994
David Field: What the statistics of natural images tell us about visual coding
Olshausen and Field: What is the other 85% of V1 doing?
Olshausen: 20 years of learning about vision: Questions answered, questions unanswered, and questions not yet asked
Lewicki, Olshausen, Surlykke, Moss: Scene analysis in the natural environment

Diehl & Geisler (2003) A Bayesian approach to the evolution of perceptual and cognitive systems
Dale Purves on Evolution -- don't know if there was a particular citation?

claude shannon explains ML on youtube?

Bialek, van Steveninck, Rieke, Warland: Spikes
Bialek: Biophysics in search of principles
Bialek, van Stevenick, Tishby: Efficient representation as a design principle for neural coding and computation
Bialek: Thinking about the brain
Bialek paper having to do with rate distortion theory? ?? ??

Fairhall, Lewen, Bialek & van Steveninck: Efficiency and Ambiguity in an adaptive neural code
Sterling & Laughlin: Principles of Neural design
Srinivasan, Laughlin, Dubs: Predictive coding: a fresh view of inhibition in the retina might be missing some here??
Karklin & Lewicki: Emergence of complex cell properties by leanring to generalize in natural scenes

Lettvin: What the Frog's Eye Tells the Frog's Brain
Konorski: gnostic cells, hierarchies ? not sure which paper

some people who study bugs well, look up review pieces: Vivek Jayaraman, Andreas Herz, Christian Machens, Natasha Mhatre

David Mumford:
on the thalmocortical loop
cortico-cortico loop
computational architecture of the neocortex (message-passing)
dawning of the age of stochastity
pattern theory

Marr & Poggio: Cooperative computation of Stereo Disparity? Or, A computational theory of human stereo vision?
Poggio, Torre, Koch: Computational vision and regularization theory
Marr: Vision, first and last chapter

Churchland, Ramachandran & Sejnowksi: A Critique of Pure Vision
Hinton, Sejnowski, & Rumelhart: Optimal perceptual inference

Hölldobler & E.O Wilson (2008) The Superorganism
E.O. Wilson: Letters to a Young Scientist
E.O. Wilson: On Human Nature
David Krakauer on Math, Models & Metaphor

Dan Dennett: Cognitive Wheels

maddie, afterthoughts on perception: put some julian hochberg, maybe roger shepard?, whitman?, warren on marr?