Drink Creations

Feb 24, 2015


Making grenadine was much harder than it should have been.

I started off with a recipe from the 12BB book which called for a 2:1 ratio of sugar to pomegranate juice. It turned out way too thick! In fact, during the second simmer/reduction I accidentally cooked the sugar a bit taking it to soft ball consistency, or thereabouts. That disaster is now in a jar and is being used as an oatmeal topping. It's tasty, it's just not for mixing!

Grenadine recipes online vary widely in their pom:sugar ratio. I found everything, between about 1:2 and 2:1. I went back to my cocktail class and found a grenadine recipe I had scribbled in the margin:

  • 2 parts pomegranate juice
  • 1 part sugar
  • a few drops of orange blossom water

Bring the mixer to a simmer to dissolve sugar, then add in orange blossom water. I did not reduce the mixture by boiling and it came out with what looked to be about the right consistency: about halfway between water and maple syrup. I added a little bit of lemon juice to help preserve the mixture and it's now in the fridge in an airtight bottle.

PS: Orange blossom water was found at our local Whole Foods for $3.29 a bottle.

 ·  · Pom Grenadine