
Pictures of the guest book after the amateur pictures from the wedding & shivaree have been added to the rebound book. I'm pleased to say that the outside of the book still looks the same after pulling the ribbon out and putting it back.
Vellum Endpaper
I had exactly two pieces of this pretty printed vellum, so they became the endpapers.
Bride & Groom
There was a really nice shot of the bride and groom, that I used for the first page.
Laura & Jess
Jess & Dave signed the first page, so I figured opposite it was the perfect place for this great shot of Laura & her sister. (Did this picture really come from a disposable camera? Wow! The difference a nice overcast day will make!)
Double Page Spread: MIT Folk
Pictures of a bunch of MIT folk, including the classic picture of Frank on the right side.
Single Page Spread
Pictures of some people opposite their messages.
Special Page for Twinkies
Photos added around the special twinkie page. I figured that was the rigth place for the dice in the champagne glass picture.
Octopus Page
I noticed the orange octupus had quite the following, so he got a whole page to himself (and his adoring fans).
Last Picture
This seemed like the perfect last shot to me. :)
Created with the tool album generator a MarginalHack written by D. Madison on Thu Mar 10 10:49:33 2005