Nanite Experiment

We're experimenting with making nanites to cure different conditions. A lot of what we'll learn from this experiment is what side effects are caused by these nanites (Kaufman degeneration being one example of a bad side effect.) It will be helpful to do these experiments while being inspired by a crewmate, but we shouldn't let inspiration become a crutch.
  1. Grow a sort of basic medical nanite. This is a nanotechnology roll for seven sevens; it takes a week to do the initial culture, and after that you may repeat the roll once per day until it comes out right.


  2. Pick seven different and interesting conditions. They should be more serious than a mild flu, though they need not be fatal. (i.e. things that you'd want to actually see a doctor about, rather than treating it yourself with a heal patch and an aspirin).

    Broken bone (Sharra), Blaster burn (Eva), Clogged arteries (Creek), Pneumonia (Jayla), Tumor (Creek), Poison (Katya), Repair of ligaments and tendons (Anya)

  3. Tweak the nanites to try and get them to fix that sort of thing. (This is a nanotech roll for nines; using rats adds one to the target number). Tell us how many successes you get. (More is better for the effect on the subject, though a small number will still work for the experiment). Here's what Kith knows about the number of successes:

    Five done by Sophia, two done by Kith. One fatality -- tumors.

  4. Get a subject who has the interesting condition (using rats adds one to the target number.) Inflict the nanites on them. Observe, using whatever sort of medical observation roll you have (i.e. Kith can use her psi and diagnosis). The observation roll needs to get as many successes as the nanotech roll in step 3. If you don't get them, then this particular condition is no use in the experiment.

    Done by Kith.

  5. Once you've finished the seven conditions, make a data-crunching roll. This one is a different sort than some of the previous. You're rolling for seven nines (rats add one to the target number), using nanotech and research. You can choose to try to roll a "prep" roll or a real roll, once per day. Both are for nines. If you roll a prep roll, you get those successes as skill for your next roll, whether it be a prep roll or a real roll.

    A sample set of rolling dice:
    Sophia has 9 Pre of Mind, 4 Nanotech, 3 Research.
    She rolls a prep roll with 7 skill: 5 successes.
    She rolls another prep roll with 12 skill (7+5): 6 successes.
    She rolls a real roll with 13 skill (7+6), but rolls poorly and only gets 5.
    Those 5 don't count towards prep, so she rolls a new prep roll with 7 skill: 3 successes. (Poor roll).
    Another prep roll with 10 skill (7+3): 5 successes.
    Another prep roll with 12 skill (7+5): 5 successes.
    Another prep roll with 12 skill (7+5): 5 successes.
    Another prep roll with 12 skill (7+5): 6 successes.
    A real roll with 13 skill (7+6): 7 successes. Victory!

    The actual die rolls:
    Sophia has 9 Pre of Mind, 4 Nanotech, 3 Research.
    She rolls a prep roll with 7 skill: 5 successes.
    Another prep roll with 12 skill (7+5): 4 successes.
    Another prep roll with 11 skill (7+4): 4 successes.
    Another prep roll with 11 skill (7+4): 8 successes.
    A real roll with 15 skill (7+8) and -1 to target: 10 successes. Victory!

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