2778.216 -- Actual source for this statement: Sharra once saw "Tarn Alliance" mispelled "Terran Alliance."

2778.244 -- Dr Kye feels there may be more connection between Tarn/Terran than just their similar sound, and yet I hesitate to link them, as there has been no evidence that their respective objectives are compatible.

2778.255 -- The Deciders (and that _is_ their name for themselves) think we are the Tarn. The Omphalos "angel" indicated that the Deciders were part of the Alliance however, but that his people separated the two species because they could not coexist. Perhaps this is the connection Dr. Kye referred to. Also, this seems consistent with Jim's scout manual indentifying the redliner as a "ship of the Tarn Alliance." I suspect that the old Hegemony was still in contact with Terra in those days, and that Terra is where the 5th jumpgate goes. What caused them to sever the relationship, I cannot guess.

2779.189 - Based on Dr Kandemeer's research, it appears that the Tarn (Terran) Alliance consisted of the Terrans, the Deciders, and a third group which had the most influence, probably the aliens who later engineered the Hegemony and the bloodlines, here after to be referred to as the "Ardenti" after their most lasting creation. 2779.255 - see next entry for corrections/additions

2779.255 - (Information from Sunlight Through the Canopy of Cabry) The Tarn Alliance was an alliance between humans and Brochoah and Tinoori and [word you don't know] and [word you don't know]. It is when the Tinoori were taught the use of technology, the jumpgates were built. The [first word you don't know] were armored tentacular beings with very stubborn worldviews. The [second word you don't know] were perceived by Tinoori to appear very similar to Tinoori, but they were not. It was run by a congress to which each of the linked worlds sent representatives; the [second race] had no representatives to the congress, but had an advisory group which exercised (very infrequently) a veto.

I personally believe the first race is the Deciders and the second race is the Ardenti.
