A repository of course related stuff for
Dave Custer's Spring 2004 Section of 21W.783: Scientific and Engineering Writing for Phase II

The first class session meets in 4-270 (thurs feb 5) 3:00=>5:00. *****

Subsequent classes meet in 2-139.

Dave Custer's syllabus:
21W.783 Class Notes:
homework 1:
"The Science of Scientific Writing":
"The Mayfield Handbook of Technical and Scientific Writing":
homework 2:
divide and conquer notes:
homework 3:
homework 4:
homework 5:
presentation schedule:
document checklist:
presentation checklist:

More stuff, less relevent...

Writing Resources on the World Wide Web (Courtesy of Les Perelman)
Electronic Multimedia Online Textbook in Engineering for Aeronautics and Astronautics (Courtesy of Ed Barrett) Sample reports and proposals.

Another online style guide can be invoked by typing "add eos;eos &" to an athena prompt. The guide covers many issues from the word to the document level and includes examples of proposals.

author = custer@mit.edu = Dave Custer
location = http://www.mit.edu:8001/afs/athena/course/21/21w783/www/home.html
Spiral over to Dave's writing page.