More Information about Burlington Presbyterian Church


People often like to see pictures on the web, so we have a page with them. More will be added as I have the time to take and scan them in.


Local Organization

Here are some of the organizations that make up the Burlington Presbyterian Church:

The Session is the governing body of each local Presbyterian church
The Deacons are charged with carrying out the church's mission to minister to others
The Trustees manage the church's financial aspects.
The Choir sings in worship each Sunday and rehearses Thursday evenings at 8 PM.
Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir rings in worship every few weeks, and rehearses Thursday evenings at 7.
Worship Committee
Membership Committee
Explorer's Class
All who would like to know more about who we are and what we do as a church and as part of the Presbyterian Church (USA) are invited to join our Explorers Group. This is also an opportunity to reflect on our own faith journey and to meet others who are exploring. These meetings are led by Rod MacDonald and serve as preparation for those who wish to become members of our church family.
Christian Education
Nursery School

Larger Presbyterian Organization

The Presbyterian Church(USA) has several levels of organization above the local church. They are:

Presbyteries are organizations of churches in a local area. There are about 11,300 congregations in 172 Presbyteries in the country. Burlington Presbyterian is a member of the Presbytery of Boston.
A Synod is a grouping of a number of Presbyteries. There are 16 Synods across the US.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is where representatives from all of the Presbyteries meet once a year to set policy for the whole church for the next year.

This page is part of the home page of the Presbyterian Church of Burlington, MA.

This web brochure was created and is maintained by Greg McMullan. Please send any suggestions to me at