English Bibles
Multiple translation
- WWW Bible Gateway - also supports some foreign languages; English translations include NIV, NASB, RSV, KJV, Darby, YLT, and All. Word-search/Concordance function goes quite fast lately, in usual cases, and has very user-friendly syntax requirements; eg. wildcards supported.
- Bible Browser Advanced Home Page - English translations include RSV, KJV, Darby, Weymouth NT, Bible in Basic English, Noah Webster's Holy Bible, YLT. By passage, phrase, or part of word -- which you enter. See also the Bible Browser Basic Home Page.
- World Wide Study Bible - NIV, NASB, RSV, KJV, Darby, and YLT; with Henry Commentary, Easton's Bible Dictionary, and other web resources. By book, then chapter, then translation.
- Nave's Topical Bible - KJV, NIV, RSV, and NASB. By topics, which you enter or can look up in an alphabetical listing.
King James Version
Revised Standard Version
Other Versions
Search Utilities
Foreign Bibles
- WWW Bible Gateway - also includes five English translations. Foreign translations include French, German, Latin, Spanish, Swedish, and Tagalog. I'm not sure how you would enter letters with accents into the inputs, unless you did it by cutting and pasting.
- Arabic Book of Life Bible - by book, files require downloading
- Chinese/English Bible - by book, gospels only, files require downloading
- Czech Bible - by book, then chapter
- Danish Bible - by book, then chapter; 1933 års udgave
- Dutch Bible - 1933 Lutherse vertaling; search engine lets you specify book (from list), chapter, and verse.
- Farsi (Persian) Bible - by book, NT only, files require downloading
- Finnish Bible - Raamattu 1933,38 translation; 1992 käännös
- WWW Bible Gateway - French - LSG, by chapter
- ARTFL Project French Bible - by book; Louis Segond 1910 translation
- WWW Bible Gateway - German - Elberfelder, by chapter
- Hypertext German Bible - by book; Luther Bibel
- ARTFL Project German Bible - by book; Luther Bibel
- German Bible - by book; unordered
- Hebrew Old Testament - by chapter, requires downloading software
- Hungarian Bible - by book, gopher site format too wide for some browsers
- WWW Bible Gateway - Latin - Vulgate, by chapter
- Latin Vulgate - by book; unordered; Jerome's 405 translation
- ARTFL Project Latin Vulgate Bible - by book, Jerome's 405 translation
- Norwegian Bible - arranged alphabetically by topics, readable by chapter. Norsk 1930.
- Pig Latin Bible (partial) - based on KJV
- Polish Bible - by chapter or search engine; includes Apocrypha; files must be downloaded to be viewed.
- Portuguese Bible - search engine lets you look up by book, chapter, or verse, as long as you can spell.
- Quechua Bible - book of Luke, by chapter; incomplete. Quechua is spoken by about 12 million natives of the Andes in South America.
- Russian Bible - by book; some problems with links
- WWW Bible Gateway - Spanish - RVA, by chapter
- Hypertext Spanish Bible - by book; good format; note the new location
- Swahili Bible (partial) - by book; unordered
- Swedish Bible - one file. Too small to be a complete Bible. Perhaps it is a summary of the chapters of the Bible in Swedish.
- WWW Bible Gateway - Swedish - SV1917, by chapter
- WWW Bible Gateway - Tagalog - by chapter, has only John and James.
- Turkish Bible - by chapter, New Testament only.
Last modified: Wedneday November 26, 1997 / Aaron Bryce Cárdenas / aaronc@mit.edu