Rapid, Time-Resolved Brain Imaging with Multiple Clinical Contrasts using Wave-Shuffling.
Siddharth Srinivasan Iyer1,2, Daniel Polak1,3,4, Congyu Liao1, Steve Cauley1, Berkin Bilgic1, and Kawin Setsompop1

1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany, 4Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany


Previously, we presented Wave-Shuffling: a technique that combines random-sampling and the temporal low-rank priors of T2-shuffling with the sinusoidal gradients of Wave-CAIPI to achieve highly-accelerated, time-resolved acquisitions. In this work, we optimize and apply Wave-Shuffling to T2-SPACE and MPRAGE to achieve rapid, 1 mm-isotropic resolution, time-resolved imaging of the brain where we recover a time-series of clinical contrast. We also present preliminary explorations into Joint-Contrast Wave-Shuffling to boost signal-to-noise ratio and reconstruction-conditioning at high accelerations.


Previously, we presented Wave-Shuffling: a technique that combines random-sampling and the temporal low-rank priors of T2shuffling1 with the sinusoidal gradients of Wave-CAIPI2 to achieve highly-accelerated, time-resolved acquisitions. In this work, we optimize and apply Wave-Shuffling to T2SPACE and MPRAGE to achieve rapid, 1mmisotropic resolution, time-resolved imaging of the brain where we recover a time-series of clinical contrast. We also present preliminary explorations into Joint-Contrast Wave-Shuffling to boost signal-to-noise ratio and reconstruction-conditioning at high accelerations.

Wave-Shuffling Model And Reconstruction

Forward Model. A succinct description of Wave-Shuffling is as follows:

where c represents the underlying temporal coefficients from the Shuffling model, Φ is the temporal basis that expands the coefficients to a model-based time-series of images, E is the ESPIRiT3 operator, R is the readout (x) resize operator to a larger FOV to account for the readout alias-spreading as a function of spatial phase-encode positions (y,z) induced by Wave-CAIPI, F is the Fourier Transform, W is the Wave-CAIPI Point Spread Function (PSF), M is the phase-encode sampling mask, and b is the acquired data.

Reconstruction. The reconstruction problem is posed as follows:

where T is the spatial Wavelet transform and λ is the regularization. This problem is solved with BART4 using FISTA5.


A healthy subject was scanned on a 3T scanner using 32-channel head coil withT2SPACE and MPRAGE sequences that were modified to play sinusoidal gradients during readout and randomly reorder phase-encode sampling. The matrix size for both cases were 256×256×256 at 1mm isotropic.

MPRAGE. Fully-sampled (randomly ordered) data with and without sinusoidal readout gradients was acquired using TI=1.2s,TR=2.5s, flip angle of 8,Tacquisition=11minutes and an echo-train length of 256. The data was retrospectively under sampled to contain 100%,50%,25% of the possible 256×256 phase-encode points, which we denote R1,R2,R4 respectively.

T2SPACE. Fully-sampled (randomly ordered) data with 89%Partial Fourier (PF) in theydirection, was acquired with a variable flip angle train6 of echo-train length of196, echo spacing of4.6ms.TR=3.2s,Tacquisition=16minutes and sinusoidal gradients. The data was retrospectively under sampled to contain 25% of the possible 228×256phase-encode points (22% of 256×256), which we denote R4. PF was accounted for by applying homodyne projection-onto-convex-sets (POCS) to the reconstructed coefficients.

Wave Parameter Optimization. Through simulations, it was observed that larger readout alias-spreading provides better reconstruction conditioning. This spreading is proportional to the maximum amplitude of the sinusoidal gradient, which is maximized by minimizing the number of cycles given gradient-slew and readout duration limitations. In our previous work7, we showed that small cycles create large corkscrew k-space trajectories that result in signal mixing across partition-encoding due to T1/T2recovery over the acquisition-train, which causes ringing artifacts in standard wave-CAIPI. The Shuffling model resolves signal-recovery over time, allowing for small cycles without artifacts. Consequently, forT2SPACE, we used2 cycles with a gradient maximum-amplitude of 25mT/m. For MPRAGE with a lower readout bandwidth,8cycles with a gradient maximum-amplitude of 16mT/m was used for good conditioning while avoiding artifacts of lower-cycle cases with undesirable velocity-encoding.


Figure 1 shows that Shuffling without Wave-CAIPI provides clean reconstruction at R1 with increased noise at R2 and artifacts at R4. Wave-Shuffling achieves clean results at R4 and more closely resembles Shuffling R1 upto noise considerations. Figure 2 demonstrates Wave-Shuffling's ability to recover a sharp image of the clinical T2SPACE contrast at R4, which is the virtual echo at the center of the echo-train (top-panel), as well as the time-series of signal evolution (bottom-panel). Figure 3 is an animated GIF that shows the signal-evolution from Wave-Shuffling of R4 MPRAGE and R4T2SPACE.

Joint Contrast Considerations

Given recent developments of joint reconstruction for multi-contrast acquisitions8-11, we present our preliminary explorations of Joint-Contrast Wave-Shuffling. The magnitude coefficients of the above reconstructed R4 MPRAGE and R4T2-SPACE data are registered with respect to each other using FSL12 (since the same subject was scanned on different sessions), and a locally low-rank threshold is applied to promote structural similarities. The result is depicted in Figure 4, where the prior is seen to help remove visual noise with a marginal improvement to normalized root mean squared error with respect to the respective R1 magnitude coefficients.

We plan to explore this direction further by incorporating the different signal evolution of MPRAGE and T2SPACE into Φ so as to enforce joint-contrast with the data-consistency term. Simulation results of the same are presented in Figure 5. Brain web13 phantom courtesy of Dr. Bo Zhao.


We successfully optimized and applied Wave-Shuffling to T2SPACE and MPRAGE to provide fast, time-resolved imaging with clinical contrasts at 3T. Preliminary results using Joint-Contrast was also presented, which helps de-noise reconstruction at high accelerations.


This work was supported in part by NIH research grants: R01MH116173, R01EB020613,R01EB019437, U01EB025162, P41EB015896, and the shared instrumentation grants: S10RR023401, S10RR019307, S10RR019254, S10RR023043.


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Figure 1. Comparing Shuffling without and with Wave-CAIPI sinusoidal gradients for MPRAGE. Shuffling without Wave-CAIPI provides clean reconstruction at R1 with increased noise at R2 and artifacts at R4. Wave-Shuffling achieves clean results at R4 and more closely resembles Shuffling R1 upto noise considerations. Additionally, the Normalized Root Mean Squared (NRMSE) of R4 Shuffling compared to R1 Shuffling is 29.38% versus 13.71% between R4 Wave-Shuffling compared to R1 Wave-Shuffling.

Figure 2. Demonstrating Wave-Shuffling applied to T2SPACE with 22% phase encode points acquired. The first row shows Wave-Shuffling's ability to recover a sharp image of the clinical T2SPACE contrast, which is the virtual echo at the center of the echo-train. The rest of the image demonstrates Wave-Shuffling's ability to time-resolve and recover temporal evolution of the signal.

Figure 3. (Compressed Animated GIF) First row depicts orthogonal slices from R4 MPRAGE as it evolves through the time-series as reconstructed by Wave-Shuffling. 25% encode points were used. Second row depicts orthogonal slices from "R4" T2SPACE as it evolves through the time-series as reconstructed by Wave-Shuffling. 22% encode points were used.

Figure 4. Joint Contrast (JC). Magnitude coefficients of reconstructed data are registered to each other and locally-lowrank (LLR) is applied across coefficients. (a) is an MPRAGE R4 Wave-Shuffling coefficient after reconstruction and (b) is the same after the JC-LLR. (c) is aT2SPACER4 Wave-Shuffling coefficient after reconstruction and (d) is the same after the JC-LLR. JC is seen to help remove visual noise.

Figure 5. Joint Contrast (JC) through data-consistency. All the images are the respective virtual echos at the center of their echo-trains. (a) Ground truth MPRAGE. (b) MPRAGE Wave-Shuffling without JC. (NRMSE=16.6%) (c) MPRAGE Wave-Shuffling with JC. (NRMSE=8.5%) (d) Ground truth T2SPACE. (e) T2SPACE Wave-Shuffling without JC. (NRMSE=3.2%) (f) T2SPACE Wave-Shuffling with JC. (NRMSE=3%). JC as data-consistency is seen to improve the MPRAGE reconstruction.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 27 (2019)