profile picture Hi there, my name is Shinjini Ghosh!

I am a senior at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, double majoring in Computer Science & Engineering and Linguistics, with minors in Mathematics and Brain and Cognitive Sciences. I plan to continue an MEng at MIT EECS with an Artificial Intelligence concentration. I am interested in research in machine learning, especially healthcare-focused, as well as in both pure and computational linguistics.

I love to spend my free time working on other software development projects ranging from data modeling in finance, healthcare and natural language processing to educational & scientific development tools, helpful extensions and fun games.

Some of the current and past projects and research I've been involved with (click to reveal).
Jan 2019—ongoing
Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), MIT, under Professor Daniela Rus
  • Automated Detection of Sepsis
    Achieved 94% precision and 78% accuracy in detecting sepsis from neutrophil movement in microfluidic images using CNNs, LSTMs & GRUs
  • Detecting the Risk of Sepsis in COVID-19 Affected Patients
    Developed deep learning models to detect the risk of sepsis and of needing hospitalization in COVID-19 affected patients, especially for the younger population
  • End-to-end Actuation in Self-Driving Vehicles
    Analysed the prediction confidence of deep learning models from probability density functions
MIT Linguistics Department
Aug 2018—ongoing
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, under Professor Suzanne Flynn
  • Study of Syntax Acquisition for Third, Fourth and Further Languages
    Research paper on Third and Fourth Language Acquisition of Relative Clause Structures under works; designed and implemented an elicited imitation experiment and performed extensive data analysis to investigate the primacy of the free relative clause in the acquisition of complex structures
MIT Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department
Aug 2020—May 2021
Berwick Computational Linguistics Lab, LIDS, MIT, under Professor Robert Berwick
  • Computational Modeling of Child Language Acquisition
    To develop and implement a computational model for how children acquire a language that is grounded in contemporary theories of human language syntax known as "minimalism"


Class projects, personal research, pet projects and misc.

A list of the courses I've taken or helped teach, along with some thoughts or specialities about them (click to reveal).

Teaching/Lab Assistant

6.S191 Introduction to Deep Learning TA
6.S092 Crash Course in Algorithms TA
6.004 Computation Structures LA
6.009 Fundamentals of Programming LA

Fall 2021

6.S898 Deep Learning
9.01 Introduction to Neuroscience
14.02 Principles of Macroeconomics
14.32 Econometrics
18.600 Probability & Random Variables
18.642 Math Topics for Finance
24.909 Field Methods in Linguistics

Spring 2021

6.864 Advanced Natural Language Processing (Graduate)
6.871 Machine Learning for Healthcare (Graduate)
6.UAR Advanced Undergraduate Research (as an EECS SuperUROP Scholar)
9.S52 Language and the Brain
24.914 Language Variation and Change
21G.040 A Passage to India - Introduction to Modern Indian Culture and Society

IAP 2021

6.S087 Mathematical Methods for Multidimensional Statistics
6.S192 Deep Learning for Art, Aesthetics, and Creativity
A short and informative introduction to how deep learning can be used for aesthetic creations

Fall 2020

6.046 Design And Analysis of Algorithms
6.UAR Advanced Undergraduate Research (as an EECS SuperUROP Scholar)
Selected as an MIT EECS Undergraduate Research & Innovation Scholar. Working with Prof. Robert Berwick at Berwick Computational Linguistics Lab on project titled 'Computational Modeling of Child Language Acquisition'
6.804/9.660 Computational Cognitive Science (Graduate)
6.884 Neurosymbolic Models for NLP (Graduate)
9.19 Computational Psycholinguistics
24.902 Language & Structure II - Syntax
18.650 Fundamentals of Statistics
A very helpful statistics course which goes over the basics of various estimators, hypothesis testing, goodness of fit, regression, Bayesian statistics and more

Spring 2020

6.08 Embedded Systems
A fun class on IoT and various embedded systems, with engaging labs, design projects, and a cumulative final project. I built an arcade game platform with friends!
6.031 Elements of Software Construction
A very time-intensive class in which I learnt a lot about building robust, well-tested, clean software. This class drills the concepts of having code SFB (safe from bugs), ETU (easy to understand) and RFC (ready for change).
6.033 Computer Systems Engineering
A fast-paced class with a lot of systems and design concepts, reading of resea papers and reflecting on them, and a communication component. For the final project, we designed a network storage system which uses the bundle protocol with various optimizations to make the system more efficient, resilient and reliable. The design components included the local storage system with a layered distributed storage, and improvement protocols such as replication, fragmentation, acknowledgements and reliable inter-layer transfers.
6.S083 Introduction to Computational Thinking with applications to COVID-19
An enjoyable introduction to Julia with pset problems applicable to visualizing the spread of the pandemic.
24.904 Language Acquisition
A fun class with a lot of insightful lectures and readings. We did a final project where we designed an experiment to test the theory that the codification of reduplication in some languages' adult grammars arose because of children's use of reduplication. Unfortunately, we could not carry out the experiment because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but we discussed in detail the various possible outcomes and their implications.
24.918 Workshop in Linguistic Research
A senior capstone class in the linguistics major, where we pursue independent research and present it to the class in rotation every week. I pursued a project on 'Using an SMT Solver to Infer Phonological Processes' under Professor Robert Berwick at LIDS, EECS, MIT.
1.S992 Seminar on COVID-19 Related Research
A seminar class with the most updated and happening research during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fall 2019

6.004 Computation Structures
A fast-paced class that taught us assembly, RISC-V, Minispec (a derivation from Bluespec and Verilog), FSMs, design principles, processors, memory, cache, pipelining and synchronization. I LAed this class in later semesters.
6.844 Graduate Artificial Intelligence
A great class on AI concepts - we covered goal trees, rule-based systems, search techniques, constraints, clustering and classification techniques, as well as had guest lectures. We also read, discussed, and wrote a reflection summary of an AI research paper every week, alongside implementing various AI concepts.
24.900 Introduction to Linguistics
I had a lot of fun in this class doing fieldwork with a Manx speaker, and drawing up a grammatical sketch of Manx for my final paper. The recitations were especially engaging, with problems similar to as I have seen during the time I have competed in linguistics olympiads, and I loved solving them!
24.901 Language & Structure I - Phonology
A very fun class that teaches about underlying and surface representations, constraints and rule systems, features, length, tone and stress, and optimality theory. The psets, midterm and final all had really fun phonological problems and Professor Steriade is super approachable as well! It is in this class that I decided to add linguistics as my double major.
5.111 Principles of Chemical Science
We learned a lot of physical chemistry topics such as VSEPR and VBT, chemical and acid-base equilibria, electrochemistry, biochemistry, some organic chemistry, and about chemistry in every day life.
18.404 Theory of Computation
I took this class on listener status, and learnt about automata and language theory, computability, and complexity. The psets offered really lovely problems.

Spring 2019

6.006 Introduction to Algorithms
A collection of indisposable knowledge for a computer science major. This class thoroughly covered asymptotic notation, recurrences, arrays, heaps, binary search trees, AVL trees, sorting techniques, hashing, graph algorithms and dynamic programming.
6.009 Fundamentals of Programming
The labs every week really helped drill important programming concepts and offered a lot of coding practice. LAing the class in future semesters also helped me learn more!
6.036 Introduction to Machine Learning
A mathematical treatment of various machine learning algorithms, with lots of implementation and mini-projects. I really enjoyed the class.
14.01 Principles of Microeconomics
We learned about supply and demand, market equilibrium, consumer theory, behavior of firms, monopoly, oligopoly, welfare economics and other topics. I enjoyed the lectures and psets.
24.903 Language & Structure III - Semantics & Pragmatics
We developed a formal theory and studied compositionality, NPIs, focus & intonation, ellipsis, quantification, binding, attitudes and modality. The psets and exams in this class had enjoyable and insightful questions.
21M.600 Introduction to Acting
A very fun class where we went to and enacted plays, learnt some fundamentals of acting, kept a journal and wrote reflective papers.
16.S685 Numerical Simulation
We covered the numerical solution of differential equations, optimization, regression and probabilistic methods with short and fun psets with examples in various fields ranging from fluid dynamics and computational mechanics to data analytics and machine learning.
15.000 Explorations in Management
A Monday night class where we received an insight into management fundamentals from inspirational guest speakers in the field.

IAP 2019

6.057 Introduction to MATLAB
A fast-paced introduction to MATLAB
6.S191 Introduction to Deep Learning
Really helped me grasp the math behind multiple deep learning concepts and implement various architectures myself. I also went on to TA this class next IAP!
8.223 Classical Mechanics II
A good followup to 8.01, which I had taken the ASE for. I really wanted to take a physics class at MIT. I loved the problem sets and learnt aout lagrangian mechanics, conserved quantities, oscillations, collisions, orbits, and rigid body motions. There was also a final project at the end of the class, on optimizing a trebuchet both analytically and numerically.

Fall 2018

6.042 Discrete Math
A primer of the maths needed for CS, a good class to help organise my thoughts on a problem mathematically and to help polish proof-writing skills.
6.0002 Introduction to Computational Thinking & Data Science
Introduction to multiple important CS topics, such as greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, graph traversals, probabilistic algorithms, clustering and classification.
24.906 Linguistic Study of Bilingualism
My first linguistics class at MIT. I loved the material a lot, especially the papers we read about bilingual first language acquisition, its social aspects and code switching in childhood. My final paper for the class was on 'Bilingualism and Code-Switching in Early Childhood — Asset or Handicap?' I also met Professor Flynn through this class, and have been doing research with her since on language acquisition and multilingualism!
18.02 Multivariable Calculus
A good treatment of multivariate calculus techniques and nice practice of the same.
7.012 Introductory Biology
Professor Lander's lectures, especially the research-oriented ones, were amazing! Really looked forward to the lectures for this class and felt like I started to see the subject in a new light.

ASE (Advanced Standing Examinations)

18.01 Single-variable Calculus
Introduction to calculus
18.03 Differential Equations
Study of ODE's, Fourier series, applications and importance
8.01 Mechanics I
Introduction to classical mechanics
8.02 Electricity and Magnetism
Second semester of introduction to physics
6.0001 Introduction to CS Programming in Python
An introduction to programming using Python

Current Positions

Member of the Problem Committee and Jury, International Linguistics Olympiad

Since Aug 2018

Member of the Problem Committee and Jury, Asia-Pacific Linguistics Olympiad

Since Sep 2019

Member of the Problem Committee, Panini Linguistics Olympiad

Since Aug 2016

Designing, reviewing & testing problems for the various rounds of the National Contest, which serves to select the students representing Team India internationally at the International Linguistics Olympiad

Member of the New York Academy of Sciences

Since Aug 2018

Teacher, MIT Educational Studies Program (ESP)

Since Nov 2018

Student Clubs

I'm involved with the following activities and student clubs at MIT.

Associate Advisor for EECS Department

Associate Advisors serve as a resource for both Faculty advisors and undergraduate advisees in conjunction with the Undergraduate Office to help students and faculty be aware of available resources, construct three-year plans, facilitate strong relationships between undergraduates and their Faculty Advisors, promote an inclusive environment in EECS, and offer perspective about what it means to be a Course 6 student at MIT. I have been active in this position since Fall 2020.

Women in EECS (WiEECS) --- Professional Development Committee Executive Member

WiEECS's mission is to build a community for women in EECS that supports, encourages, and empowers them to succceed. On the Professional Development team, my responsibilities include organizing networking events with academicians and people in the industry, coordinating with organizations to hold information and recruiting events, and helping organize technical workshops. I have been active in this position since Spring 2019.

Student Alumni Association (MIT SAA) --- President (Former VP, Programming) & MIT Ambassador

The Student Alumni Association (SAA) is a student group that partners with the MIT Alumni Association to provide students with leadership and volunteer experiences consistent with their service as exceptional ambassadors of the Institute. As President of the organization since Summer 2021, my responsibilities include recruitment of new members, overseeing all organization activities, as well as ensuring smooth functioning. As VP of Programming, my responsibilities include coordination and planning for various student-alumni events throughout the semester. I have been active in this position since Spring 2019.

MITxHarvard Women in AI --- Executive Member, Interview Series

MIT Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society --- Eligibles Chair

Undergraduate Society for Women in Math (USWIM) --- Executive Member


Past Positions

Teacher, Liceo Enrico Fermi, Livorno, Italy

January 2020

Teacher of Mathematics (with applications in Physics) and Computer Science for Junior Year, Senior Year Regular & Senior Year Advanced students for 3 sections each, and Junior Year Advanced & Senior Year Classico students for 1 section each -- developing materials, teaching, setting exams, assigning homework and helping students

Data Science & Engineering Intern, QuantCo, Berlin, Germany

Summer 2019

Student Researcher, King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand

Mar 2016 - Apr 2016

Visualizing Simple Math and Science by Greenfoot during 2B-KMUTT Camp 2016 (International Summer Research Programme), one of 20 international students selected

Get in touch!



I love receiving (and sending) letters and postcards! Please address to

Maseeh Hall 5017

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

305 Memorial Drive

Cambridge MA 02139