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by Yar Woo, Ian Tullis

The “moles” are actually elements on a periodic table. The goal of level 1 is to whack only the “moles” that add up to the molar weight given in the level description.

  Level 1-1: W
  Level 1-2: Br
  Level 1-3: Nb, Ca
  Level 1-4: Zr, Ru, Li
  Level 1-5: N, Cl, Tl

For Level 2, the periodic table is given (to disambiguate the actinides/lanthanides). The moles with the goofy glasses are “subtraction” weights.

Level 2-1: Se, -Cr
Level 2-2: B, Ni, -V
Level 2-3: Lu, He, -Pd, -Al

For Level 3, the elements spell out the words that the clues solve to. Whacking the moles out of order will cause a failure.

  Level 3-1: B, Li, Nd (BLIND)
  Level 3-2: Ne, V, U, S (NEVUS)
  Level 3-3: Am, Es (AMES)
  Level 3-4: P, I, Er (PIER)
  Level 3-5: C, H, O, Co, La, Te (CHOCOLATE)

Level 4 is the final answer. Goofy glasses moles subtract letters. Hitting any mole incorrectly will end the level. He, Au, -U, Ds, -S, Bk, -B, Ni, -I, O, Cn, -N, K, Er

This spells the answer HEADKNOCKER.