You excuse yourself from the dinner table at Thanksgiving Town and venture down to the basement, where you find an old video game system. These classic games are without compare! But you’ll need some help in order to address how difficult they can get.

“This game is so tedious. I wish I could skip the first fourteen rounds.”

“I can’t believe I made it all the way to the end and then died! I wish I could start at the end of the road.”

“I wish we could start at the phase that immediately precedes the fifth bonus round.”

“The speeder bikes are the best part of this game! I wish I could start on the level where I can ride them.”

“This game has so many weapons to try. I wish I could start with some ammunition for all of them; say, with three-quarters of the amount of ammo I’d have by collecting a capsule for each weapon.”

“I’m so bad at this game. I wish I could continue with twice as many lives after I lose.”

“I wish it didn’t take so long to get going again after I crash.”

“I wish I could start with twice as many lives (although three times as many would be more fitting).”

“My fighter is so useless in battle. I wish his hits would succeed twice as often.”

“These early floors are too easy. I wish I could start at Escher’s Castle.”

“The gas grenades in this game are so powerful. I wish I could start with more of them.”

“Each set takes too long to play. I wish that four fewer games were needed to win a set.”

“I wish that one of these ghosts would never become edible.”

“The unidirectional pipes make this game so difficult. I wish they’d start from level ten.”

“I like the cityscape tracks the best. I wish I could start on the fifth one.”

“I’m so good at this game! I wish I could try starting with two fewer lives—I think I’d still do well.”

“I keep running out of bombs! I wish I could start with seventeen more.”

“I wish I could start with one fewer life.”

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