I'll Write Some Good Clues Tomorrow

Huh? You woke me up for this? Hey, those clues will do in a pinch, right? They won't? Look, I've been meaning to write some better ones, but there's an all-night Charles in Charge marathon on, so I'm pretty sure I won't have time. You'll just have to make do.

But I will tell you that the clues to this crossword can be entirely ignored except for the initial letters. For any grid entry, the first letter of that entry appears as the initial letter of one of the words in the corresponding clue; the second letter appears as the initial letter of one of the words of the following clue; the third letter appears as the initial letter of one of the words in the clue after that; and so on. If you hit the end of the Down clues, wrap back around and continue at the beginning of the Across clues. Each word in each clue will be used exactly once. Hyphens should be treated as spaces, so, for instance, "bric-a-brac" would be considered three separate words, starting with B, A, and B respectively. Grid entries may include abbreviations, acronyms, phrases, and foreign words; these are not indicated in any way, however. After you're done, do what it says in the unclued Across entries to get the answer.

Will that do? It better, because I ain't missing my Scott Baio. He's wicked funny.