
By Todd Radford


Tour (ordered chronologically)

1-2xx         Site 9         letter value of third digit of John Ripley Freeman's birth year

3-1xx         Site 18       building number north of exit to Killian Court

Killian         Site 5         7th letter of in the type of granite

14-1xx       Site 11       5th letter of the name of the author of the verse

14N-1xx    Site 13       letter value of day in December on Music of library plaque

Dot            Site 14       last letter of name of sculpture

EC Court   Site 4         8th letter of first word in name of sculpture

Stata         Site 2         4th letter of first name on Stata Amphitheatre

Stata         Site 6         3rd letter of last name in quote on the blue wall

26-3xx       Site 10       4th letter of John Dorrance's middle name (3rd floor)

26-1xx       Site 1         6th letter of John Dorrance's middle name (1st floor)

IC              Site 16       5th word on the plaque of the IC Nanomechanical lab

Lobby 10   Site 12       4th letter of Mayers' first name

Lobby 13   Site 7         letter value of 3rd number in building's namesake's class year     

Pres Cou   Site 15       2nd letter of last name to whom newton tree was a gift

Lobby 7     Site 17       5th letter of word after ARTS           

Mass Ave   Site 8         4th letter of name (sans USS) of the ship north anchor came from

1-250         Site 3         6th letter of Name of Headquarters


Tour (ordered by site number)


1       S       6th letter of John Dorrance's middle name - Thomp(s)on (1st floor)

2       H       4th letter of first name on Stata Amphitheatre - Mic(h)ael

3       O      6th letter of Name of Headquarters - Spoff(o)rd

4       R       8th letter of first word in name of sculpture - transpa(r)ent horizon

5       T       7th letter of in the type of granite - lauren(t)ian

6       N       3rd letter of last name in quote on the blue wall - Pe(n)efield

7       A       letter value of 3rd number in building's namesake's class year - 19(1)6

8       M      4th letter of name (USS blank) of ship north anchor came from - Was(m)uth

9       E       letter value of third digit of John Ripley Freeman's birth year - 18(5)5

10     M      4th letter of John Dorrance's middle name - Tho(m)pson (3rd floor)

11     I        5th letter of the name of the author of the verse - Virg(i)l (bldg 14)

12     D       4th letter of Mayers' first name - Hay(d)n - west lobby 10

13     D       letter value of day in December on Music of library plaque - Dec (4)

14     L       last letter of name of sculpture - the great sai(l)

15     E       2nd letter of last name to whom newton tree was a gift - V(e)tter

16     OF    5th word on plaque of IC Nanomechanical lab - Department (of) MaterialÉ

17     C       5th letter of word after ARTS - agri(c)ulture    

18     3       building number north of exit to Killian Court - Building (3)




The middle of C3 on the map given at the end of the tour is the Zesiger Center, short name: Z CENTER


Broken tag fixed in 2010 by the archivists of Beginner's Luck