by Greg Pliska

Answer: PIANO

Identify each instrument, as well as the pitch of each note, then
number the pitches relative to the tonic. (In this case, the tonic is
C, but such numbering in music is relative to a key center, so it is
possible to identify the numbering without identifying the actual

Take the Nth letter of each instrument name, where N is the pitch
number. This spells the phrase INSTRUMENT HEARD THREE TIMES. Only the
piano is played three times.

PIANO is the correct answer to this puzzle.

I   piano                     2

N   French horn               4

S   bassoon                   3

T   trombone                  1

R   trumpet                   2

U   trumpet                   3

M   trumpet                   4

E   cello                     2

N   French horn               4

T   timpani                   1

H   French horn               6

E   clarinet                  7

A  piano                      3

R   trumpet                   2

D   didgeridoo                1

T   timpani                   1

H   French horn               6

R   French horn               2

E   French horn               3

E   trumpet                   6

T   trumpet                   7

I   piano                     2

M   trombone                  4

E   flute                     5

S   saxophone                 1