Gary T. Marx
Professor Emeritus, MIT

Career overview

Gary T. Marx is Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has worked in the areas of race and ethnicity, collective behavior and social movements, law and society and surveillance studies. He is the author of Protest and Prejudice, Undercover: Police Surveillance in America, Collective Behavior and Social Movements (with Doug McAdam) and editor of Racial Conflict, Muckraking Sociology, Undercover: Police Surveillance in Comparative Perspective (with C. Fijnaut) and other books. With Norman Goodman, he revised Society Today and edited Sociology: Popular and Classical Approaches. Undercover received the Outstanding Book Award from the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences and Marx was named the American Sociological Association's Jensen Lecturer for 1989-1990. He received the Distinguished Scholar Award from its section on Crime, Law and Deviance, the Silver Gavel Award from the American Bar Association, the Bruce C. Smith Award for research achievement, the W.E.B. Dubois medal, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems. In 1992 he was the inaugural Stice Memorial Lecturer in residence at the University of Washington and he has been a UC Irvine Chancellor’s Distinguished Fellow, the A.D. Carlson Visiting Distinguished Professor in the Social Sciences at West Virginia University, and the Hixon-Riggs Visiting Professor of Science, Technology and Society at Harvey Mudd College. Major works in progress are books on new forms of surveillance and social control across borders. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley.

Areas of Professional Interest

In recent decades he has been working on surveillance issues, illustrating how and why surveillance is neither good nor bad, but context and comportment make it so. He has sought to create a conceptual map of new ways of collecting, analyzing, communicating and using personal information. Explanation and evaluation require a common language for the identification and measurement of surveillance's fundamental properties and contexts (e.g., the new surveillance, surveillance society, maximum security society, surveillance creep; surveillance slack, the softening of surveillance, the myth of surveillance, neutralization and counter-neutralization). The richness of the empirical must be disentangled and parsed into categories which can be measured. Articles at illustrate this. His empirical and theoretical studies on topics such as covert policing, computer matching and profiling, work monitoring, drug testing, location monitoring, Caller-Id and communications manners are not above the occasional stoop to humor. The work argues for the need to understand current surveillance practices within specific settings in light of history, culture, social structure and the give and take of interaction and to appreciate (if not necessarily welcome) the ironies, paradoxes, trade-offs and value conflicts which limit the best laid plans. Mushrooms do well in the dark, but so does injustice. Sunlight -may bring needed accountability through visibility, but it can also blind and burn and unlevel playing fields, like the Dude, tend to endure.


His work has appeared or been reprinted in over 300 books, monographs and periodicals and has been translated into Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew, Dutch, German, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Greek, Turkish, Portuguese, Farsi, and other languages. He has written 12 introductions to colleague's books and published 16 co-authored works with his students His articles have appeared in academic journals such as American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Problems, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Journal of Social Issues, Theory and Society, Annual Review of Sociology, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, Conflitti Globali, Policing, American Behavioral Scientist, Contemporary Psychology, Rutgers Journal of Law and Urban Policy, Yale Law Review, Michigan Law Review, International Annals of Criminology, International Political Sociology, Urban Life, Sociology and Social Research, Crime and Delinquency, Victimology, Computer Software Law Journal, Crime and Justice Systems Annual, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Policing and Society, Justice Quarterly, Criminal Justice Ethics, Crime, Law and Social Change, Telecommunications Policy, Communications of the ACM, Science and Engineering Ethics, Social Justice, The American Sociologist, The Information Society, Ethics and Information Technology, Surveillance and Society, Sociological Quarterly, Knowledge Technology and Policy, Intelligence and National Security, Law and Social Inquiry, The Asia Pacific Review, Lex Electronica, Criminologie, The Ottawa Journal of Law and Technology, Cahiers Politiestudies, and Theoretical Criminology.

He has also written for popular sources including: California Monthly, Computerworld, Abacus, The Nation, The New Republic, Dissent, The Harvard Business Review, Society, Psychology Today, Saturday Review, Race Today, The Futurist, Technology Review, The Whole Earth Review Magazine, Unesco Courier, California Lawyer, The Responsive Community and the Encyclopedia Britannica, World Book Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, The Encyclopedia of Democracy, The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, The Encyclopedia of Violence, The Encyclopedia of Ethical Issues in Politics and the Media, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Science, The Encyclopaedia of Social Theory, The Encyclopedia of Privacy, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, The Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, The International Handbook of Surveillance Studies, The Privacy Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Baltimore Sun, Newsday, The Christian Science Monitor, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The [London] Times Higher Education Supplement. He has participated in and helped to develop a number of radio and television documentaries. Teaching and Academic Influence

Beyond MIT, he has taught at Harvard University, the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Colorado. He has been a Visiting Professor at the University of California at San Diego, Santa Barbara and Irvine, Wellesley College, Boston College, Boston University, the Schools of Criminal Justice at SUNY/Albany and Florida State University, Northwestern University, the University of Illinois, Eastern Kentucky University, the Universities of Leuven and Louvain-La-Neuve, the Technical University of Vienna, the Onati Institute (Spain), Nankai University (PRC), and the University of Puerto Rico; and he has been a visiting scholar at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Arizona State, the University of Washington, West Virginia University, the Rockefeller Center in Bellagio and the Max Planck Institute at Freiburg. He has given a large number of talks at American, European and Asian universities. He has taught in sociology, social relations, political science, law, psychology, urban studies and techology, and science and society departments.

Research and Consulting Work

He has been a research associate at the Harvard-MIT Joint Center for Urban Studies and Harvard Law School Criminal Justice Center, and a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (1987-88; 1996-97) and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (1997-98). In 1970, he received a Guggenheim Fellowship, and he has received grants from the National Institute of Justice, National Science Foundation, the Twentieth Century Fund, the Whiting Foundation, and the German government. He has been a consultant to, or served on panels for, national commissions, the House Committee on the Judiciary, the House Science Committee, the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, the General Accounting Office, the Office of Technology Assessment, the Justice Department, and other federal agencies; state and local governments, the European Community and European Parliament, the Canadian House of Commons, The National Academy of Sciences, SSRC, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, the U.K. Association of Chief Police Officers, public interest groups, foundations and think tanks. He is a longstanding member of the Sociological Research Association, and a widely experienced teacher and lecturer.

Other professional affiliations

He has been on the executive council of the American Sociological Association (and has sat on the committees, or chaired, three of its sections) and on the executive committee of the Eastern Sociological Society. He has been an associate editor, or on the editorial board of, The American Sociological Review, Social Problems, The Annual Review of Sociology, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Politics and Society, Qualitative Sociology, Crime, Law and Social Change, Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Justice Quarterly, Criminology, Journal of Contingencies And Crisis Management, The Information Society, Policing and Society, The American Sociologist, Ethics and Information Technology, Critical Media Studies, Surveillance and Society, International Political Sociology, Identity in the Information Society, and The International Journal of Intelligence Ethics. He has been book review essay editor for Sociological Forum; and editor of a Plenum book series on public policy.

He is listed in Who's Who In America and Who's Who in the World.


Public web site of Gary T. Marx:

Profiles and reviews of Gary T. Marx and his work:

Bradsher, Keith (8 May 1990). "Now, a Way to Conceal Identification of Caller". The New York Times (

PBS Interview with Gary T. Marx (