
Do you think my login-id and my interest in cartography are related? Many people do.

General cartographic resources

A list of map resources on the net and a list of Geography Resources, also The WWW Virtual Library section on Cartography Resources on the Web which has a considerable list. And Yahoo has a page on Geography which lists lots of good stuff.

The U.S. Gazetteer interface to the Geographic Name Server and the Xerox Map Server is a good way to look for places in the U.S. The U.S. Census also has a U.S. Gazetteer which is still experimental. Another interface to this data will compute distance between any two named points in the US.

Automatic maps

There are getting to be quite a number of sites on the Web that will generate maps of various kinds (although none generate me :-):

You can use the distance server to find how far it is between places, with options to see them on maps or get driving directions.

The Earth and Moon Viewer allows views of any spot on the planet.

Premade maps

The CIA World Fact Book has lots of nice maps. JHU/APL has a Digital Relief Map of the US. The United States Geological Survey is also on-line.

Other information

The United States Geological Survey has a complete catalog of markers to help you figure out where you really are...

Commercial Cartographic resources available on the Web

DeLorme Mapping is one of the premier map makers in the US, they are on The Internet and their Web server provides lots of info on their products and also pointers to other related resources on the net. Wessex also offers some interesting items.

World of Maps sells "Maps and Travel Guide Books for destinations Around the World" (from their page). This was still only partly constructed when I added the link (27-Dec-94), but looked like it might turn into a useful resource when they get it together...

Network maps available on the net

I also have a page that collects references to network maps of various kinds.

Related topics

A collection of Flags of the World. There's also a Zipcode lookup service, but using the U.S. Gazeteer is usually better. The Worldtime site has an interactive world atlas with daylight, twilight, and night zones.

CKD has a site about LOC records in the DNS.

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