
This page tracks significant changes to this site.
(Dave Viewings tracked separately.)

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June 2001

Added Ozy & Millie page, modified house notes.

April 2001

Added "Categories of Animals", "The Fox and the Crow" and "Why do they keep yelling at me?" to netsam; added graphical version of Acquainted with the Night.

November 2000

Added Silent Presence; printable resume actually works now (I hope!); removed counter from homepage (took too long to load); added Clipit options, Hidden Settings, and Extensis menu; added Ozy; added canine thumbnails; added How Many Dogs Does It Take to Change a Lightbulb?, Abbott and Costello do Hebrew, and the 2000 Presidential Debates to netsam.

October 2000

Massively reorganized site; your links probably broke. Sorry. Added drawing thumbnails; added counter on homepage; updated TV page.

September 2000

Added printable resume; changed Dave Viewings to a form; updated movie lists; added pictures ( Millie, Idiocy, Mediocrity, modified Empty Beach, Fox II, Self Portrait, Sunset Strip, Beach Bum, Wolf); added housesketch ( front, left, right) and rooves to house notes; added greeting cards; added Thoughts on a Wedding.

August 2000

Changed stylesheet, home page navigation, and icons; added resume, anecdotes, MediaWall, Dweller in Flame, Dave Viewings, some fox pix.

July 2000

Organized poetry list; updated movie list.

June 2000

Added race notes ( Twirrl/ Weiloo); revised house notes; updated movie list; added Parting the Waters, Creation, and Cyborg.

May 2000

First pass, based on stuff that accumulated on my hard drive over the years.