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Section 6.15.3

Inappropriate Shifts in Person

Be consistent in your choice of person. A shift in person without reason will confuse your reader. For example, if you begin a description in the first person, do not shift to the second person.


We once had an ecosystem that we called the Everglades. Now you have a big wetland out there, and still call it the Everglades. But it's not. It no longer has the defining characteristics of the original Everglades.


We once had an ecosystem that we called the Everglades. Now we have a big wetland out there, and still call it the Everglades. But it's not. It no longer has the defining characteristics of the original Everglades.

--Norman Boucher, "Back to the Everglades," Technology Review (modified)

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## Inappropriate Shifts in Person ##
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