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Informal Outline

In an informal outline, sometimes called a scratch outline, the writer brainstorms to develop a list of topics, which are then put into some order. The following informal outline might serve as the basis of a short theoretical report for a review of the current state of photoelectric conversion chemistry.

Title: Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Semiconductor-Based
Photoelectric Cells

Introduction: Converting solar to chemical energy

Absorption of light: Optimizing efficiency

Energetics for photoredox processes

Durability of semiconductor electrodes

Kinetics for fuel-forming redox reactions 

Examples of semiconductor-based photochemical processes

        --Photoelectrolysis of H2O
          (SrTiO3-based cell)

        --Photooxidation of Cl- (MY2)

        --Photoreduction of water to H2

        --Reduction of CO3H- to formate

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## Informal Outline ##
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