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Nick Homer
Electrical Engineering
Dushore, PA
More commonly known as Mr. Sparkles, you'll often find Nick cozying up to his hometown newspaper, catching up on the wacky news from small-town Pennsylvania (ask him to tell you the story about the convict who escaped using a toilet paper holder). By the end of the summer, he will be quite the traveler. After taking part in the Alternative Spring Break program in Baltimore, teaching kids about science, he'll find himself in Germany designing robots for Siemens, an electronics company.
Ben Hough
Physics and Mathematics
Midland, MI
Ben is quite the character. When not threatening people with hockey stick violence or checking 98 pound women during free skate, he can be found aimlessly wandering the streets of Boston for the elusive subway stop or getting kicked out of the State House for attempting to evaluate its architecture. Ben is quite athletic as well, whether he's playing basketball on campus with his fellow brothers or competing on both our B-league intramural pool and champion hockey teams.
Matt Karau
Computer Science
Grand Blanc, MI
Karau spends a good portion of his time at the News in the Future group at the Media Lab; whether it's for the research or free hot chocolate (or lunches or random computer hardware) has not been determined. After enduring the treacherous slopes of northern Michigan, Sugarloaf and Killington are no match for Karau; he can easily be spotted racing down the slopes in his bright yellow jacket during the annual Theta Chi ski trip. We can't forget his wonderful cooking, either. Matt can be found teaching children about computers in China with MIT's CETI program or traveling to Europe with his girlfriend, Alicia.
Doug Kriner
Political Science
Tega Cay, SC
Doug is one of the few remaining members of a dying breed at MIT – people who read. Doug is a great guy, though, so long as you don't misquote Shakespeare in front of him or, even worse, distract him during a Penn State football game. If you're looking for Doug, you can probably find him playing an intramural sport (he's on most of our teams). He is also a member of the MIT College Democrats.
Matt Lahaie
Medfield, MA
Who's that cheerful and friendly person with the big grin (and beard)? That would be Matt Lahaie. Matt has been incredibly active on campus. His activities include organizing the Habitat for Humanity Alternative Spring Break program, leading the LeaderShape program, the Order of Omega honors society, the MedLINKS Steering Committee and the Residence Redesign Competition (he was on the winning team). By the way, he also does other stuff – he and Rome performed their rendition of the Barenaked Ladies' "If I Had a Million Dollars" for Sigma Kappa Late Night. Matt can also be found striking up a conversation while taking a break from his studies, snowboarding a storm on the slopes of New England, or relaxing with his girlfriend, Van.
Steve Lim
Northbrook, IL
Steve, a sophomore biology major, never far from his cell phone, always macking on his Mac, is very involved in his studies, the fraternity, and his women friends (who know that he calls himself "Slim" only because he's humble). When he's got free time on his hands, you'll find him working for a non-profit AIDS organization that trains peer educators throughout the world, crunching code for a software firm, or helping those in need as an MIT MedLINK.
Brian Peck
Aeronautics and Astronautics
Bellevue, WA
Brian Peck already has a head start on life after MIT in the form of a summer job at Boeing. At MIT, Brian is actively involved in the fraternity for which he cooks dinner twice a week and acts as captain for multiple intramural sports teams. He has served as Athletic Chair and House manager. Despite all of these commitments, Brian finds time to excel in academics and, specifically, the notorious Unified Engineering class.
Harry "Rome" Portlock
Computer Science
Delaware City, DE
Harry, better known as "Rome," is infamous for his unique and sometimes less than funny jokes and antics. One joke will bust your gut, while the next makes you wish you were somewhere else. If his sense of humor doesn't captivate you, one of his many electronic gizmos will keep you occupied. Rome is an Edge Company Platinum shopper who knows no bounds. There's always a wacky idea brewing in his head.

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