Webpage of Vishwak Srinivasan

Vishwak Srinivasan

My picture, which sadly isn't visible.

About me: I am a PhD student in the EECS department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, advised by Ashia Wilson. Previously, I was a student in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University from where I earned a Master of Science, and completed my undergraduate studies at the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad where I majored in Computer Science and Engineering and graduated with honors.

My Research Interests: Currently, I'm interested in problems around optimisation and sampling, optimal transport and am broadly interested in statistical learning theory as well.

Publications: A list of all papers that I've authored / co-authored can be found on my Google Scholar page. Recent papers / preprints:

Teaching: I have been a TA for the following subjects:

Other professional service:

Contact information: My e-mail address is vishwaks at mit dot edu. Often, you'll find me in person inside D740, Building 32, MIT.

Random musings: I like doing recreational maths, and below is a (new) listing of random mathematical facts that I come across / derive.