#The MC is done in S-Plus. Graphics is done in R. #Y is generated according to a t-model. #X is generated by sampling with replacement from var_data.txt source("c:\\aaa\\comput\\rq.s"); dyn.load("c:\\aaa\\comput\\rq.obj"); ################### Section I: Preliminary Programs ############################### ######################## generate data for i-th monte-carlo #################################### inqr<- function(Y) { return(quantile(Y, .1), quantile(Y, .9))} gen.data<- function(nn, DF) { ind<- sample(1:1001, nn, replace=T); XX<- as.matrix(Xt[ind,]); YY<- XX%*%rep(1, 4) + .07*rt(nn, DF); return(cbind(YY,XX) ); } ########################### Monte-Crlo Function ##### filenA<- "c:\\aaa\\comput\\CEC\\nn500.CASEA.HS.run1.txt" filen.biasA<- "c:\\aaa\\comput\\CEC\\nn500.CASEA.HS.BiasAnalysis.run1.txt" filenB<- "c:\\aaa\\comput\\CEC\\nn500.CASEB.HS.run1.txt" filen.biasB<- "c:\\aaa\\comput\\CEC\\nn500.CASEB.HS.BiasAnalysis.run1.txt" filenC<- "c:\\aaa\\comput\\CEC\\nn500.CASEC.HS.run1.txt" filen.biasC<- "c:\\aaa\\comput\\CEC\\nn500.CASEC.HS.BiasAnalysis.run1.txt" nn<- 500; Xt<- cbind(rep(1, 1001),X); datt<- gen.data(nn, DF=3); YY<- datt[,1]; XX<- datt[,-c(1:2)]; dd<- rq(XX,YY, tau=.5)$res ban<- ((quantile(dd,.75) - quantile(dd, .25))/1.34)*(500)^{-1/5} # A Hall-Sheather Rule monte.cov<- function(filen, filen.bias, DF, ...) { # generate data ; selct badnwidth datt<- gen.data(nn, DF=DF); YY<- datt[,1]; XX<- datt[,-c(1:2)]; dd<- rq(XX,YY, tau=.5)$res ban<- ((quantile(dd,.75) - quantile(dd, .25))/1.34)*(500)^{-1/3} # A Hall-Sheather Rule # extreme inference extr.005<- rq.infer.extreme(XX,YY, tau=.005, psub=.2, space=10, B=200); extr.020<- rq.infer.extreme(XX,YY, tau=.020, psub=.2, space=10, B=200); extr.050<- rq.infer.extreme(XX,YY, tau=.050, psub=.2, space=10, B=200); extr.100<- rq.infer.extreme(XX,YY, tau=.100, psub=.2, space=10, B=200); mise.005<- c( extr.005$BC.e[1] - 1- .07*qt(.005,DF), extr.005$BC.e[3] - 1); mise.020<- c( extr.020$BC.e[1] - 1- .07*qt(.020,DF), extr.020$BC.e[3] - 1); mise.050<- c( extr.050$BC.e[1] - 1- .07*qt(.010,DF), extr.050$BC.e[3] - 1); mise.100<- c( extr.100$BC.e[1] - 1- .07*qt(.100,DF), extr.100$BC.e[3] - 1); cove.005<- c( I( extr.005$ciL.e[1] < 1+ .07*qt(.005,DF) )* I ( 1+ .07*qt(.005, DF)< extr.005$ciU.e[1]), I( extr.005$ciL.e[3] < 1)* I (1< extr.005$ciU.e[3])) cove.020<- c( I( extr.020$ciL.e[1] < 1+ .07*qt(.020,DF) )* I ( 1+ .07*qt(.020, DF)< extr.020$ciU.e[1]), I( extr.020$ciL.e[3] < 1)* I (1< extr.020$ciU.e[3])) cove.050<- c( I( extr.050$ciL.e[1] < 1+ .07*qt(.050,DF) )* I ( 1+ .07*qt(.050, DF)< extr.050$ciU.e[1]), I( extr.050$ciL.e[3] < 1)* I ( 1< extr.050$ciU.e[3])) cove.100<- c( I( extr.100$ciL.e[1] < 1+ .07*qt(.100,DF) )* I ( 1+ .07*qt(.100, DF)< extr.100$ciU.e[1]), I( extr.100$ciL.e[3] < 1)* I ( 1< extr.100$ciU.e[3])) centr.005<- rq.infer.central(XX,YY, tau=.005, ban=ban) centr.020<- rq.infer.central(XX,YY, tau=.020, ban=ban) centr.050<- rq.infer.central(XX,YY, tau=.050, ban=ban) centr.100<- rq.infer.central(XX,YY, tau=.100, ban=ban) covc.005<- c( I( centr.005$ciL.ck[1] < 1+ .07*qt(.005,DF) )* I ( 1+ .07*qt(.005,DF)< centr.005$ciU.ck[1]), I( centr.005$ciL.ck[3] < 1)* I ( 1< centr.005$ciU.ck[3])) covc.020<- c( I( centr.020$ciL.ck[1] < 1+ .07*qt(.020,DF) )* I ( 1+ .07*qt(.020,DF)< centr.020$ciU.ck[1]), I( centr.020$ciL.ck[3] < 1)* I ( 1< centr.020$ciU.ck[3])) covc.050<- c( I( centr.050$ciL.ck[1] < 1+ .07*qt(.050,DF) )* I ( 1+ .07*qt(.050,DF)< centr.050$ciU.ck[1]), I( centr.050$ciL.ck[3] < 1)* I ( 1< centr.050$ciU.ck[3])) covc.100<- c( I( centr.100$ciL.ck[1] < 1+ .07*qt(.100,DF) )* I ( 1+ .07*qt(.100,DF)< centr.100$ciU.ck[1] ), I( centr.100$ciL.ck[3] <1)* I ( 1< centr.100$ciU.ck[3])) misc.005<- c( centr.005$betat[1] - 1- .07*qt(.005,DF) , centr.005$betat[3] - 1 ); misc.020<- c( centr.020$betat[1] - 1- .07*qt(.020,DF) , centr.020$betat[3] - 1 ); misc.050<- c( centr.050$betat[1] - 1- .07*qt(.010,DF) , centr.050$betat[3] - 1 ); misc.100<- c( centr.100$betat[1] - 1- .07*qt(.100,DF) , centr.100$betat[3] - 1 ); cov.extr<- c( cove.005, cove.020, cove.050, cove.100) ; miss.extr<- c( mise.005, mise.020, mise.050, mise.100) ; cov.centr<- c( covc.005, covc.020, covc.050, covc.100) ; miss.centr<- c( misc.005, misc.020, misc.050, misc.100) ; write.table(t(c(cov.extr, cov.centr)), file=filen, sep=" ", append=T, dimnames.write = F, na = NA) write.table(t(c(miss.extr, miss.centr)), file=filen.bias, sep=" ", append=T, dimnames.write = F, na = NA) } now<- proc.time(); for(i in 1:250) {monte.cov(filenA, filen.biasA, DF=1)} ; speed <- (proc.time()-now)/3600; now<- proc.time(); for(i in 1:250) {monte.cov(filenB, filen.biasB, DF=3)} ; speed <- (proc.time()-now)/3600; now<- proc.time(); for(i in 1:250) {monte.cov(filenC, filen.biasC, DF=30)} ; speed <- (proc.time()-now)/3600; # This part is DONE in R (!!!): volA<- apply(read.table(filenA),2, mean) volB<- apply(read.table(filenB),2, mean) volC<- apply(read.table(filenC),2, mean) taus<- c(.005, .02, .05, .1) postscript("c:\\aaa\\\comput\\cec\\MCresultABC.ps",horizontal=F,pointsize=9,width=7.0,height=7.0) par(mfrow=c(3,2), lab=c(10,10,10)) plot( range(taus), range(0,1), type="n", ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0, .11), ylab="Coverage", xlab="Tau", main="A. t(1)-disturbance: Coverage for Intercept", lwd=2) lines( taus, volA[seq(1,8, by=2)], type="l", lty=1, lwd=2, col=4) lines( taus, volA[seq(9,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=4, lwd=2, col=2) abline(h=.9, col=1, lwd=2, lty=2) typ.names <- c("Extremal ", "Central", "Nominal 90%") legend(.05, .4, legend = typ.names, lty = c(1,4,2), col=c(4,2,1), bty="no", lwd=2) plot( range(taus), range(0,1), type="n", ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0, .11), ylab="Coverage", xlab="Tau", main="A. t(1)-disturbance: Coverage for Slopes", lwd=2) lines( taus, volA[seq(2,8, by=2)], type="l", lty=1, lwd=2, col=4) lines( taus, volA[seq(10,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=4, lwd=2, col=2) abline(h=.9, col=1, lwd=2, lty=2) typ.names <- c("Extremal ", "Central", "Nominal 90%") legend(.05, .4, legend = typ.names, lty = c(1,4,2), col=c(4,2,1), bty="no", lwd=2) plot( range(taus), range(0,1), type="n", ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0, .11), ylab="Coverage", xlab="Tau", main="B. t(3)-disturbance: Coverage for Intercept", lwd=2) lines( taus, volB[seq(1,8, by=2)], type="l", lty=1, lwd=2, col=4) lines( taus, volB[seq(9,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=4, lwd=2, col=2) abline(h=.9, col=1, lwd=2, lty=2) typ.names <- c("Extremal ", "Central", "Nominal 90%") legend(.05, .4, legend = typ.names, lty = c(1,4,2), col=c(4,2,1), bty="no", lwd=2) plot( range(taus), range(0,1), type="n", ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0, .11), ylab="Coverage", xlab="Tau", main="B. t(3)-disturbance: Coverage for Slopes", lwd=2) lines( taus, volB[seq(2,8, by=2)], type="l", lty=1, lwd=2, col=4) lines( taus, volB[seq(10,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=4, lwd=2, col=2) abline(h=.9, col=1, lwd=2, lty=2) typ.names <- c("Extremal ", "Central", "Nominal 90%") legend(.05, .4, legend = typ.names, lty = c(1,4,2), col=c(4,2,1), bty="no", lwd=2) plot( range(taus), range(0,1), type="n", ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0, .11), ylab="Coverage", xlab="Tau", main="C. t(30)-disturbance: Coverage for Intercept", lwd=2) lines( taus, volC[seq(1,8, by=2)], type="l", lty=1, lwd=2, col=4) lines( taus, volC[seq(9,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=4, lwd=2, col=2) abline(h=.9, col=1, lwd=2, lty=2) typ.names <- c("Extremal ", "Central", "Nominal 90%") legend(.05, .4, legend = typ.names, lty = c(1,4,2), col=c(4,2,1), bty="no", lwd=2) plot( range(taus), range(0,1), type="n", ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0, .11), ylab="Coverage", xlab="Tau", main="C. t(30)-disturbance: Coverage for Slopes", lwd=2) lines( taus, volC[seq(2,8, by=2)], type="l", lty=1, lwd=2, col=4) lines( taus, volC[seq(10,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=4, lwd=2, col=2) abline(h=.9, col=1, lwd=2, lty=2) typ.names <- c("Extremal ", "Central", "Nominal 90%") legend(.05, .4, legend = typ.names, lty = c(1,4,2), col=c(4,2,1), bty="no", lwd=2) dev.off(); plot(apply(read.table(filenA),2, mean)) apply(read.table(filenB),2, mean) apply(read.table(filenC),2, mean) medad<- function(x){ median(abs(x))} absmed<- function(x){ abs(median(x))} volA<- apply(read.table(filen.biasA),2, medad) volB<- apply(read.table(filen.biasB),2, medad) volC<- apply(read.table(filen.biasC),2, medad) postscript("c:\\aaa\\\comput\\cec\\MC.Forecast.resultABC.ps",horizontal=F,pointsize=9,width=7.0,height=7.0) par(mfrow=c(3,2), lab=c(10,10,10)) xlab<- "Tau" ylab<- "Median Abs Deviation" xlim<- c(0.005, .1) ylim<- c(.5,1.2) plot( range(.005,.1), range(.5,1.5), type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main="A. t(1)-disturbance: Estimating Intercept", lwd=2) lines( taus, volA[seq(1,8, by=2)]/volA[seq(9,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=2, lwd=2, col=3) typ.names <- c("Ratio of MAD of Bias-Corrected QR \n to MAD of QR") abline(h=1, col=1, lwd=2, lty=1) legend(.025, .7, legend = typ.names, lty = c(2), col=c(3), bty="no", lwd=2) plot( range(.005,.1), range(0,60), type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main="A. t(1)-disturbance: Estimating Slopes", lwd=2) lines( taus, volA[seq(2,8, by=2)]/volA[seq(10,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=2, lwd=2, col=3) typ.names <- c("Ratio of MAD of Bias-Corrected QR \n to MAD of QR") abline(h=1, col=1, lwd=2, lty=1) legend(.025, .7, legend = typ.names, lty = c(2), col=c(3), bty="no", lwd=2) plot( range(.005,.1), range(0,60), type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main="B. t(3)-disturbance: Estimating Intercept", lwd=2) lines( taus, volB[seq(1,8, by=2)]/volB[seq(9,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=2, lwd=2, col=3) typ.names <- c("Ratio of MAD of Bias-Corrected QR \n to MAD of QR") abline(h=1, col=1, lwd=2, lty=1) legend(.025, .7, legend = typ.names, lty = c(2), col=c(3), bty="no", lwd=2) plot( range(.005,.1), range(0,60), type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main="B. t(3)-disturbance: Estimating Slopes", lwd=2) lines( taus, volB[seq(2,8, by=2)]/volB[seq(10,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=2, lwd=2, col=3) typ.names <- c("Ratio of MAD of Bias-Corrected QR \n to MAD of QR") abline(h=1, col=1, lwd=2, lty=1) legend(.025, .7, legend = typ.names, lty = c(2), col=c(3), bty="no", lwd=2) plot( range(.005,.1), range(0,60), type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main="B. t(30)-disturbance: Estimating Intercept", lwd=2) lines( taus, volC[seq(1,8, by=2)]/volC[seq(9,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=2, lwd=2, col=3) typ.names <- c("Ratio of MAD of Bias-Corrected QR \n to MAD of QR") abline(h=1, col=1, lwd=2, lty=1) legend(.025, .7, legend = typ.names, lty = c(2), col=c(3), bty="no", lwd=2) plot( range(.005,.1), range(0,60), type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main="B. t(30)-disturbance: Estimating Slopes", lwd=2) lines( taus, volC[seq(2,8, by=2)]/volC[seq(10,16, by=2)], type="l", lty=2, lwd=2, col=3) typ.names <- c("Ratio of MAD of Bias-Corrected QR \n to MAD of QR") abline(h=1, col=1, lwd=2, lty=1) legend(.025, .7, legend = typ.names, lty = c(2), col=c(3), bty="no", lwd=2) dev.off(); tsplot(abs(mmmB[1:8])/ abs(mmmB[9:16]))