Bexley Hall

46-52 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge 02139

Bexley Desk: (617) 258-9863

Faculty Resident: (617) 255-9618

The following description was taken from the 1991 MIT Undergraduate Residences Guide:

Bexley Hall is a creaky old apartment house constructed in 1912 for the benefit of wealthy people who probably disliked living right across Massachusetts Avenue from a major construction site (namely, MIT). The current residents of the house, however, don't mind at all that they live less than a hundred yards from both the Student Center and the main entrance to MIT.

We at Bexley feel that dormitory residents have the right to live in an environment that suits their own tastes, and in that spirit we demand of our prospective housemantes nothing at all except consideration for the rights of others. We have no formal house government, no representation in either the Dormitory Council or the housing system's Judicial Committee, and no friction generated by politically-motivated students desiring to lord it over their housemates for the sake of something to put on their resumes. One of the differences between Bexley and some of the other Institute Houses is that we do not repress our weirder elements; we welcome anything unusual wherever we can find it. Nowhere is this more in evidence than at the incredible Bexley Beast Roast, held each spring before finals--don't miss it!

What government we do have consists primarily of House meetings, which are patterned after the grand old tradition of New England town meetings. Bexley has not had a viable human president in over twenty years; in recent years presidents have included several cats, two deans, an obnoxious non-resident, a wrecked car, and the courtyard tree.

We believe that this is a relatively good thing.

Bexley's enduring popularity among coed dorms is attributable in part to its large rooms and small population (approximately 120 undergraduate students) which gives the house a comfortable sense of community. Communication and social interchange are greatly facilitated, we believe, in a House where everyone knows everyone else's name and face, people look out for each other, and grievances are aired and resolved within the House. This sense of community has eliminated the need for a formal House government, and has helped to maintain the happiness of its members longer than any of us has been alive.