
Solution to Auditions for the WonderMusical

Authors: Seth Bisen-Hersh and Robert L. Rucinski

Teams are told to send 2 of their best singers to this event in order to audition for a musical. Upon arriving, people are broken up into 8 audition groups and given notes for the songs they will be using to audition.

Click here for the notes. Please note that in the .pdf there are two notes per page - pages were cut in half after being printed on cardstock. Also, the LETTER# combination in the upper left of each page is not part of the puzzle, but only used to know which song each team has and that they have all the notes.

Participants are instructed to figure out what song their group will be singing for the audition. By using the clues on the cards and their sight-singing ability, they need to order the notes and identify the song.

The solution and the song titles are here.

When they ID the song, they are given the complete sheet music of their piece and told to prepare their audition. To audition, they get up and perform their piece with each person singing one word of the song (and continuing to rotate through people in their group until the song is complete): think Whose Line style.

After completing their audition, one person is invited to be "called back" from each group. That person is given a word from the solution to the event.

When all 8 people are selected to be called back, those people get on stage and are instructed to say their words and figure out the order of the words in the solution phrase. Ordering is accomplished by alphabetizing the title of the songs.

Can You Feel the Love Tonight - A
Following the Leader - NOTE'S
I'm Late - STAFF
Reflection - POSITION
Someday My Prince Will Come - CONTROLS
A Spoonful of Sugar - ITS
When You Wish Upon a Star - STEM
A Whole New World - DIRECTION