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East Meets West

Mark Halpin

Each haiku line is an anagram of two full names. As hinted in the flavor text, each pair represents one battle in the series Iron Chef: America (note that the puzzle title is also the name of another cooking show on the Food Network, the host of which, Ming Tsai, is featured in the first line of the puzzle). The featured ingredient from each episode must be determined. Indexing letter n in each ingredient, where n is the line of the verse, provides the message DISH ATOP A PINEAPPLE. The answer is UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE.

Bobby Flay / Ming Tsai Duck
Mario Batali / Todd English pIzza dough
Mario Batali / Anita Lo muShrooms
Cat Cora / Kerry Simon Hamburger
Mario Batali / Roberto Trevino cAtfish
Cat Cora / Walter Royal osTrich
Cat Cora / David Myers Oysters
Mario Batali / Tony Liu oPah
Cat Cora / Sam Choy clAms
Cat Cora / Neal Fraser Pork
Bobby Flay / Peter Kelly rIbeye
Cat Cora / Walter Scheib duNgeness  crab
Cat Cora / Jon Shook Eggplant
Bobby Flay / Ralph Pagano bArramundi
Cat Cora / Mark Tarbell apPles
Cat Cora / Alex Lee Potatoes
Masaharu Morimoto / Aaron Sanchez bLack bass
Bobby Flay / Marc Murphy brEakfast