No Child Left Behind



While in class, both students learn grammar.While in class, did all students learn grammar?Both students in class learn grammar!
All students are in class, and all learn grammar!All students in class will learn grammar!Both students in class learn grammar.
One student in class learned grammar.Will all students be in class, and will all learn grammar?While in class, will one student learn grammar?
All students were in class, and all learned grammar!Were all students in class, and did all learn grammar?While in class, will both students learn grammar?

One student in class learns grammar.Both students will be in class, and both will learn grammar.One student is in class, and one learns grammar.
While in class, all students will learn grammar!While in class, both students learned grammar.One student is in class, and one learns grammar!
Did both students in class learn grammar?While in class, will all students learn grammar?Will all students in class learn grammar?
All students will be in class, and all will learn grammar!Was one student in class, and did one learn grammar?While in class, one student learns grammar.

While in class, one student learned grammar.Will both students be in class, and will both learn grammar?Were both students in class, and did both learn grammar?
While in class, both students learned grammar!While in class, both students will learn grammar!Both students were in class, and both learned grammar.
While in class, all students will learn grammar.All students in class learn grammar!Did one student in class learn grammar?
While in class, did one student learn grammar?While in class, will both students learn grammar?Will one student be in class, and will one learn grammar?

All students in class learned grammar.Both students in class learned grammar.While in class, all students learn grammar.
While in class, does one student learn grammar?One student in class learns grammar!While in class, did both students learn grammar?
Did one student in class learn grammar?One student will be in class, and one will learn grammar.Do all students in class learn grammar?
While in class, did both students learn grammar?All students in class learn grammar.All students were in class, and all learned grammar.

While in class, do all students learn grammar?Both students are in class, and both learn grammar.All students in class learned grammar!
Both students in class will learn grammar.Is one student in class, and does one learn grammar?While in class, one student will learn grammar.
One student was in class, and one learned grammar!Both students in class learned grammar!Both students are in class, and both learn grammar!
While in class, both students will learn grammar.One student in class will learn grammar.Did all students in class learn grammar?

All students in class will learn grammar.All students will be in class, and all will learn grammar.While in class, both students will learn grammar!
While in class, all students learned grammar!While in class, both students learn grammar!One student in class learned grammar!
While in class, one student learned grammar!One student will be in class, and one will learn grammar!While in class, all students learn grammar!
All students are in class, and all learn grammar.One student in class will learn grammar!While in class, all students learned grammar.

Are both students in class, and do both learn grammar?Do both students in class learn grammar?Are all students in class, and do all learn grammar?
While in class, both students learn grammar.While in class, one student learns grammar!Both students will be in class, and both will learn grammar!
Will one student in class learn grammar?One student in class learned grammar.One student was in class, and one learned grammar.
Both students were in class, and both learned grammar!Both students in class will learn grammar!All students in class learned grammar!