Life In First Class

Anna Vetter


Each picture clues a class/set of classes at MIT.

How to get answer:

(-%-x) or [* *(2) * *] -- If in () we care about the course number. x is the number/letter we care about. % is just for the period. - is for letters/numbers we don't care about. If in [] we care about the official course name. Each * represents a word. The number in () following the * is the letter in that word we care about.

diels alder, experiment in 5.32 only
mircea, name of chem lab director
pivot of seesaw
physics interactive vide-o tutor
hello in foreign languages(--x%---)21F.whateverF
surveys about MIT(--%-x-)15.3010
robot competition(x%---)2.0072
java for dummies(-%x-)1.000
joe (millionaire) b[*(4) * *]Unified Engineering IF
digital death[* *(7) * *]Intro Digital Syst. Lab.L
Memorize periodic table[* * * *(3) *]Intro to solid state chemA
ice[*(5) * * *]Integrated Chem. Eng. IG
crude sketch of 6.001 text[*(1) * * * * *]Struct and Inter of Comp ProgsS
teal[*(2) *]Physics 2H
was on "exhibit" in lobby 16[*(1) * * * *]Intro. to the Vis ArtsI
junior lab[* *(1) *]Experimental Physics IP

The indicated letters and numbers spell:

21F.020 is "After Columbus: Literature of Exploration, Exile, and Cultural Contact" The flagship in Columbus's famous voyage is the SANTAMARIA.

Hopefully short sweet and to the point.
