The answer is CHEMICAL COMPOUND The corresponding square is house puzzle by Roger Barkan Common Bonds by Roger Barkan In this cryptic crossword, 8 of the clue are actually two parts and cross over a boundary line. 1. o(p)ec(R) 4+8. de(sic)ant 11+12. me(tho*)dic 13. elm+er 14+15. g(uat+emal)(R)a 16. may+o 17. at sea* 20+21. c(h)ampion 24+25. mo(ti(R))oned 26. c(h)oke 28. espn* 29+31. eva(cu+ate)d(R) 33+34. c(as+sand)ra[zed] 35. e(z)ra 36. arch(2) 37+38. st(eel+d)rum 1. om+egas(R) 2. per+u 3. chute(H) 4. doze(H) 5. edam(R) 6. i+celand* 7. ceram*+ic[e] 8. c+lamps 9. new york* 10. tr(y)on 18. two-star* 19. amo(eba(R))s 20. con+vent 22. finish(H) 23. bedlam* 24. me+cc+a 27. ha+zed 30. core(H) 31. ur(a)l 32. ecru* DESIC|CANT METH|ODIC GUATE|MALA CHAM|PION MOTI|ONED EVAC|UATED CASSA|NDRA STEEL|DRUM Reading down the letters on either side of the dividers that split the clues reads, CHEMICAL COMPOUND. Thus the title, common bonds.