***********Yellow********************* (start) Y: Anybody there? <...anybody home> Y: Yes? <...hunt....> Y: Do you think I would tell you that? Y: Are you counting this one? Y: What kind of name is {x}? <... name?> Y: Does that matter? <...sign?> (standard pick up line?) Y: Don't you think you are being a little rude? < do you know where...> Y: Are you taking me somewhere? <...year....> Y: What, are you running for the dummy of the year contest? <....president...> Y: You're not going to start with the president jokes, are you? Y: Don't you think their wives are much more interesting? <....dialog...> Y: Is that the real question? <...come to mind?> Y: Do pig's fly? <... wood chuck...> Y: Why do fools fall in love? <...a fool?> Y: Are you? <...patronizing?> Y: (In patronizing tone) Who's a good dog? Y: What were we talking about? <...answer to life?> Y: The universe? Y: Is that the 6x9 question? <...number questions..> Y: Aren't we supposed to stick to facual questions? <...do you want to pay...> Y: What bank has an ATM on the corner of Vassar and Mass ave? <...Rosencrantz...> Y: How do you spell relief? <...bituminous coal?> Y: Who died with that on his lips? <...bitterness...> Y: Do you want to grab a bite to eat together? Y: Can't you withdraw some? <...help you? | ...ready to play...> Y: Will it help us solve this hunt? <...sludge through...> Y: Well, I think so, Brain, but if Jimmy cracks corn, and no one cares, why does he keep doing it? <... a tv show?|... mean?> Y: What was Jackie Kennedy's maiden name? <...Dolores...> Y: So if your sister's boyfriend's mothers father is a family tree researcher, and he finds out that your cousin's daugther's father is the decendant of Dolores,, what does that mean? <...friends...> Y: If all your friends jump off a bridge would you too? <...bungy cord?> Y: How high do you want to bounce? <...pet dingo?> Y: Was it Chester? <...Worcestershire sauce...> Y: What item? <...banana?> Y: Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? < ...up this late?| ...unguarded... | ...sludge through... > Y: Well, I think so, Brain, but if Jimmy cracks corn, and no one cares, why does he keep doing it? <...keep doing it?> Y: When Willy was 5, which President did he meet at the Easter Egg Roll? <...what would the children look like?> Y: Do you know what a monkey's uncle looks like? <...anything like a mule's...> Y: Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy, a kid will eat ivy to, wouldn't you? <....speaking english?> Y: What else would I speak, the language of love? <...honey or bitersweet...> Y: Who died with that on his lips?