***********Red********************* (Start) R: Knock knock anybody home? R: How is your hunt going? <...tell you that? | Isn't there a puzzle...?> R: How many puzzles have you solved? <.... this one?> R: Have you solved Charlotte Amalie yet? <... name....> R: What is your name? <...matter...|...staring...> R: What's your sign? <...rude? | answers hidden> R: Do you know where you are? R: Did you have geography when you were in elementary school? <... taking me somewhere?> R: Do you know what year it is? <... are you running for .... | this year> R: Who is the current president of the United States? < .... president....> R: Whose talking about presidents? <.... wives....| who's asking? | dialog puzzle?> R: How do you mean? <...unguarded? | ....up this late?> R: Do you think? <...what I'm thinking?> R: I think so, Brain, but don't you need a swimming pool to play Marco Polo? <...capitol of [country]?> R: Is [country] where Carmen Sandiego is? < Do you think....attractive?|Where in hell is Carmen ...> R: Do you know who I think is attractive? R: Have you ever taken a purity test? <... a date?> R: Will you go out with me? R: Don't you think it is romantic when two people share an ice cream soda? <..little cold..> R How can we be lovers if we can't be friends? <... frost bite...> R: Will you marry me? <... only just met?> R: When shall I meet thee again? R: What was Jackie Kennedy's maiden name? <... Richie, Dolores, and June's....> R: Why are you ducking my questions? <...difference between a duck?> R: Whats the difference between a duck and a what? <... get it?> R: Get what? <...get the door...> R: (look out of door) What does Emma Thompson look like? <...look just like her mother?|.. taller, Emma Thompson..> R: Whats that movie called that stars Emma Thompson and her real life mother? R: Would your [relative] have allowed you to appear naked at a public function? <....beach?> R: Have you ever dived in the water at a swimming meet and had your pockets fill up with water and drag your shorts down? <...cue...> R: Do you think I am jsut going to show my answerts to you?