***********Green********************* (start) G: Anybody want to do the dialog puzzle? G: Umm, I think so, Brain, but what if the chicken won't wear the nylons? <...obsession....> G: What are your obsessions and darkest fears? <....imagine your mother....> G: Whats that movie called that stars Emma Thompson and her real life mother? G: What was your childhood like? <...in a barn?> G: Are you done insulting me yet? <....topic of discussion?> G: What's the magic word? <...pay for that...| ... withdraw some...> G: What bank has an ATM on the corner of Vassar and mass ave? <....sludge through drifts...|...bite to eat...> G: How much money do you think I have in my pockets? G: Who's asking? < ... mean?> G: Isn't there a puzzle that uses questions? < .... solved?> G: What was your cue on that last question? < ... answers...> G: Where are all of your hard won answers hidden? <... where you are?> G: Where in Hell are we? <... geography...> G: What is the capitol of spain? <... Carmen Sandiago....> G: Where in hell is Carmen Sandiago? <... attractive....> G: Who is taller, Emma Thompson or Carmen Sandiago? <...late...| waiting around > G: Did someone say a round latte? <...McDonalds?> G: Is that not the poison of true love? <...water-babies..> G: What is like pool without pockets? <... on his lips?> G: Wasn't it Romeo that took his last sip of bitterness and cold? G: How did they get all those vibrent colors into it? <...Leonardo DiCaprio?> G: How did they get the blue in his eyes and shirts match so well? <... laundry?> G:What are the two things that Mary uses in her laundry? <...underwear..> G: Can't you afford a maid? <...little maid's outfit?> G: What kind of girl do you think I am? G: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? <... Pete Rose...> G: Was baseball an Olympic sport in Barcelona? G: Are you here for the dialog game? <...real question?> G: Don't other questions come to mind? <...pig's..> G: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? <..fools fall..> G: Are you a fool? G: Do you think this is getting a little patronizing? <..dog?> G: Are you done insulting me yet? <..talking about?> G: What's the answer to life? G: and everything? <...6x9...> G: Are number questions out of bounds? <... factual...> G: Do you mean like in Rosencranz and Guildenstern are dead? <...relief?> G: Have you ever heard the phrase 'bituminous coal'? <..grab a bite...> G: How much money do you think I have in my pockets?