PhD, Computer Science, California Institute of Technology (2018 - 2023)
MSc, Physics, University of Heidelberg (2015 - 2017)
BSc, Mathematics, University of Heidelberg (2011 - 2015)
I was a long-term visitor at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at the University of California, Berkeley, to attend the 2020 spring program The Quantum Wave in Computing.
In the summer of 2018, I was awarded a Quantum Computing Summer Fellowship to work at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico.
Before I came to Caltech, I was also a long-term visitor at the University of Copenhagen, where I was fortunate to work with Gorjan Alagic at the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory.
A detailed academic CV is available upon request.
- Caltech: CS 152: Introduction to Cryptography (Instructor: Prof. Thomas Vidick)
- Caltech: CS 101-3 Quantum Algorithms and Programming (Instructor: Dr. Alexandru Gheorgiu).
- Caltech: CS/PH 120 Quantum Cryptography (Instructor: Prof. Thomas Vidick).
- University of Heidelberg: Introduction to Computer Science (Instructor: Prof. Katja Mombaur)
- University of Heidelberg: Real Analysis II (Instructor: Prof. Hans Knüpfer)
- University of Heidelberg: Real Analysis I (Instructor: Prof. Winfried Kohnen)
Program committee: TQC 2024, QCRYPT 2024, YQIS 2021
Reviewer: STOC, FOCS, QIP, Quantum, Physical Review A, Crypto, Eurocrypt, SODA, TQC, QCrypt, TCC, PQCRYPTO.