QUESTIONS FOR CONCEPT MEETING WITH DIRECTOR & STAFF Stored as C:\LIGHTING\CONCEPT.TXT M. Bromberg 5/16/95 SETTING What century and year? What season? What time of day for each act/scene? Elapsed time between acts/scenes? Any time lapses during scenes? What country and location for each act/scene? Indoors? What kind of building and room? Windows and doors? Outdoors? City, town, field, forest, seaside, shipboard? What is the weather for each act/scene? What is the supposed source of light for each scene? Is the sky visible? Sun, moon, stars, clouds, rainbows? STYLE Realistic, surrealistic, impressionistic, abstract, fantasy? Degree of authenticity to time and place? Do directions (SL, SR, US, DS) have significance? What are the costume colors? Do costume colors have significance? Color choices allied with moods, characters, places? What are the main independent moods and emotions? How much choreography? Any primarily-dance scenes? How visible can/should the cue changes be? Any specific director's lighting requirements? STAGING Set changes between acts/scenes? Is there a need to fly anything? Static or dynamic? Is there a need for traps? Layout of orchestra and conductor? Disposition of curtains, legs, teasers? Will the house curtain be opened and closed? Where are the entrances? Are there any aisle or house entrances? How to divide the stage into acting areas? Where are the acting hot spots? Any other specials required? Any practicals required (lamps, lanterns, torches, fireplace?) Projections or gobos? Supertitles? Are followspots appropriate? Are footlights appropriate? Where could lighting booms be fit into the set? -#-