Columbia MM

set user-level

SET USER-LEVEL NOVICE/expert  -  whether the hint line appears

The USER-LEVEL determines whether the hint line appears above the MM
  prompts.  The top-level hint line is:
    [ H=headers R=read REV=review S=send Q=quit BYE ?=Hints HELP ]
  The setting NOVICE makes the hints appear; EXPERT hides them.

You may want to change the settings of two other variables if you change 
  the USER-LEVEL.  The recommended values are:

set user-level novice			set user-level expert
set crt-filter /usr/ucb/ -x	set crt-filter /usr/ucb/more -d
set use-crt-filter-always yes		set use-crt-filter-always no

For more help, type "help" and one of the following:
(at any prompt:)  save-init   set   show   set crt-filter   
                  set use-crt-filter-always   set top-level-prompt
                  set read-prompt   set send-prompt
save-init | set | show | set crt-filter | set use-crt-filter-always | set top-level-prompt | set read-prompt | set send-prompt | MM Home