You are in a kitchen.  You look around for something to use to wash the bloody remains of the dog from yourself.  The kitchen appears to have been constructed without a sink, or a counter, or anything at all.  In fact, the idea slowly crawls into your head that perhaps this isn't a kitchen at all, but something far, far more sinister.  In fear you step backwards until you brush against the wall.  You whisk around, paranoia invading your thoughts.  Suddenly you notice that the floors slope up to become the walls.  There is no color here, everything is very grey, the floors, the walls, the ceiling.  The ceiling is just an extension of the wall and is curved as well.  You shoot glances to the exits only to have your fears coalesce into reality: the exits have disappeared, there is nothing here but grey solid curving wall all around you and far above your head.  You are trapped inside a giant grey marble..
